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Really nice detail. I like the dusty look, and the front fenders ajar too. Did you use the Eduard set? What did you add that was not in the detail set, if anything?
One look that was prevalent was the tow cables stowed on the hull, and you captured that look too.
I used the Eduard PE set for a few detail items, the fender wire support hangers, some .50 cal and M240 detail, loader station weapons ring, smoke launcher mountings, tow cable supports. I'm sure I used some more, but this thing took 8 months to build, so I have forgoten some.
I did use the whole Eduard PE Bustle Rack extension, THAT was a major exersise in frustration. I had to purchase another one due to the item being WAAAAY to fragile. If you tackle it, use wire, as plastic rod is too weak. The end result is OK, if you look closely you can see some glue build up due to my desire to strengthen the joints. Wasnt taking any more chances with the second one.
Additional detail I added were scratch built smoke launchers, simple really, some plastic rod and some time alone. Grab handles, turret bustle rack, the pintle hook on the rear (Dragon's part for this is REALLY weak), removed the rear mud flaps and drilled out the mounting holes. An hour here, and hour there over 8 months, I tweaked this thing all the time. Heck, I even repainted it after painting the dust a little to thick.