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Plenty of comments so far on how bad the Jaguar resin kit is, but what's the deal with the Tamiya version?
The Tamiya version is typical early 1970s Tamiya. It was basically a motorized toy. As such, much of the detail is soft with many small details molded on, such as grab handles, tools, and hatch handles. It also does not have the gunshield and armor around the TC, no searchlight, and original bustle rack not used in Vietnam and is soft on most other details.
I did mine from the Tamiya kit as well. It came out really nice too, if I don't say so myself. I replaced most of the molded on handles, tools etc. I also scratch built the armor around the TC and added a gunshield from an Academy M113A2 along with replacing the .50 cal with an Academy one. Also scratched the new turret bustle rack. I made many other corrections and modification that I can't think of now (I made it about 8 years ago, I think). There was an artcile in the July 1997 isssue of FSM caller Rhino Power Armor Conversion, by Cookie Sewell that had plans for the gunshield, armor, and bustle rack, along with lots of other details for building a Vietnam Era M551. It helped me out a lot. Here's the cover image.

Here is mine.

Here is a build article on a 82nd ABN ODS era version that came out great from the Tamiya kit.
M551 ODS Moral of the story, even the Tamiya kit could be turned into a gem. If the Academy kit is better, it will be a big improvement and too can become a great kit, as any kit can. At least we will have a descent starting point that still looks like an M551. Can't wait to see how the Academy kit comes out. I'll wait to pass judgement once I see the actual kit. Either way it will be an improvement.
My theory is that any kit can be great, especially if you are willing to put some work into it. I don't know of any kit that is perfect. Corrections are just a challenge to improve my modelling skills and make better models. I'm glad a new kit of a much wanted vehicle is coming out, even if it is not perfect.