Howdy my 'Roo-
tabaga buddy!
Man o' man!.....every time I stop by one of your build threads I have to prepare myself first.
To avoid shorting out my keyboard from the excessive drooling that is sure to follow I push it away from me. Then, I make sure I'm seated. Then I flex my thumb wheel muscles (so I can scan the pics up and down), and then I finally take a big sigggggghhhh.
As I've said in the past mate, superb work indeed! Your creations are part of the 'fuel' that feeds my scratching engines

Especially big buggers like these........
But, just so's the membership here doesn't think I'm throwwin' too much butter your way, I do have some questions....I really like the fact that the bonnet comes off, but would the real vehicle have a split bonnet? Also, (and this is only based upon seeing my fair share of vehicles here in Colorado hauling overly high loads of feed hay going down the road) would the ropes used to hold the barrels in place be tied in a kind of 'criss-cross' pattern? I don't know since you're privy to the reference photos. The guys who haul hay trucks around here actually have a special knot they use to create small loops throughout the length of the rope itself so that they can loop the rope back thru itself at strategic points along the load.......just a thought, but then maybe an arrangement like that would look too 'busy'.....
Oh, and as far as the "heavy red dust" that DaveCox mentioned, that type of soil is fairly common in that part of the world, Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, etc.
You did a bang-up job Cliff. Definitely one to be supremely proud of! far as
this comment is concerned..."
so I may, just MAY, send them overseas for display...."
Just remember ya dingo bait.....there's ALWAYS a display case waiting at my place for any of your splendid pieces!!