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You say you what "carved" the windscreen from water pipe? You mean the PVC stuff -- I thought CA wouldn't work on that, or do you have diff stuff down under.
Anyway, (A) why did you choose to go that route over say building up from evergreen (or similar) and carving and (B) could you go into the details of the process a bit more ? I mean you've got some compound curves there & I'm just not seeing how you did it ....(as usual) ...
John it was not the windscreen I made from water pipe but the curves in the roof of the rear ambulance body. The water pipe was 25mm dia PVC hot/cold water pipe.
This was cut using a hacksaw and then scribed down it's length with a scoring blade. It was cut into quarters. This proved to be the correct curve for the ambulance roof. It is hard to work but you can do it with a grinding bit in a dremel or similar or with a file and course sandpaper. I knew model glue would not work and tryed Zap CA and it worked. Once painted you would never know the difference.
The cowl/windscreen unit is originally an Italeri GMC part which I widened to suit the Tamiya LRDG Chev kit and then copied by making a mould and doing them in resin. I use these for a variety of vehicles by just adding filler to alter the shape a bit to suit. The Aussie Ford semi I made had one of these in it as well.