Hi David... and Polarbear!
David, I wanted to answer you about the interior in my next update but since Polarbear mentionned it too...
First, your remarks are relevant! I asked myself exactely the same question: wouldn't be the seats removed for such missions? It seems to be logical. However, I decided to build the model with the seats and here are my reasons:
- First is the time factor. The campaign ends in one month and I want to get the model finished until then. At least I can try! So I don't want to make too much scratchbuilding and it would have been a pity not to use the detailed seats of the kit
- Second, I have unfortunately no pictures of the interior of an EVASAN Goose and I can't wait to get some for the above reason. So, no refs!

- Third reason, for conscience's sake, is to think that some planes, maybe not all, could have kept their seat for the transport of less wounded persons or refugees. I believe more could have been transported in the seated position rather than laying on stretchers. I don't think the Goose was big enough to make upper and lower stretchers... but I could be wrong!
But thank you for pointing that out! It's an interesting remark and maybe someone (hopefully after the kit is finished :-) ), could give us some infos about that...
David, I thank you again for the great pics you have send me! Now I have two refs of French EVASAN Goose and one more Dilemma about the red crosses

Thanks! :-)
Keep the remarks coming guys. I welcome them!