Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Monday, August 15, 2005 - 08:55 AM UTC
Hi there
My dio depicts a Willys Jeep with some minor wheel-troubles. The two GI's has stopped for repair at a local garage in Normandy, short after the invasion.
The Jeep is Tamiya (their latest version), figgies are Tamiya and Italeri, equipment and stuff from my scrap box. The house is home-made.
Questions, comments and critizism are most velcome. Thanks in advance

Wien, Austria
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Posted: Monday, August 15, 2005 - 10:08 AM UTC
That's a nice idea, I especially like the building and the clutter around the jeep. One minor nitpick - the lintel over the garage door should extend across the tops of the doorposts so that they are supporting it and thus the weight of the wall above! Very minor though as I said!
Michigan, United States
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Posted: Monday, August 15, 2005 - 10:27 AM UTC
Excellent details. Such subtlties really bring it to life. I like the fence. It's not perfectly even. Then there is the busted corner on the short wall.
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Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Monday, August 15, 2005 - 10:43 AM UTC
Real nice job here Simon, the figures are well painted are are posing naturally. I like your fence and building, all the stuff around really give it some life. I thought I caught you with the sign "garage" but according to "babel fish", garage is the same in English & French

. My only nitpic is the slight shine on the figs, (this is probably your flash)
All you need now is a junk yard dog :-)

Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Monday, August 15, 2005 - 10:51 AM UTC
Nicely done. I like the fence as well.
The weathering of the wall is well done. All the little details make your work come to life.
Great work !
Singapore / 新加坡
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Posted: Monday, August 15, 2005 - 02:26 PM UTC
Great Dio Simon... that's an interesting idea you have there. Like what the other guys said, the scratch built fence and house looks great! Just one thing though, I think the bricks in the house are a little big (comparing to your figures).. Thanks for sharing
Nebraska, United States
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Posted: Monday, August 15, 2005 - 07:47 PM UTC
Simon...you have a great little dio there. I really like the building, and the fence is great as well. I like how all the boards are not perfectly even..makes it more realistic to me..The Jeep looks really good as well, but i do agree that it could be just a little more "dirty".
Can't wait to see what you come up with next..

Aarhus, Denmark
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Posted: Monday, August 15, 2005 - 10:05 PM UTC
Nice work Simon, nice idea!
Try to take your photoes outside in natural daylight - could we get a overall view ?
Flot der!
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Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 05:54 AM UTC
Hi there, again
Well thanks a lot for your nice comments.
Yes, the tyres looks to clean - dirt will be applied according to standards. And yes, the bricks (or rather stones) looks to big. I tried to build a house without the normal red bricks...

Oh, thanks for the advice regarding the door. Will come in handy next time I build a house.
Here's an overall view of the dio:

Enjoy and thanks again
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
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Posted: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 06:34 AM UTC
A very nice diorama indeed. Very nice details and good contrast in color.
One thing I would do different, and that is that I would avoid the straight angles in the composition. I would have turned the overall scene clockwise for a degree or 30... this way you would look at it through the opening in the fence, that would be in the front side of your diorama. It would just give it that extra bit to the composition.
That said, I want to underline again that this diorama is very nice indeed !! My compliments on a job well done!
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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Posted: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 12:30 PM UTC
Very nice non-combat dio, Simon. You certainly have an eye for detail as your dio is packed with nice, little details that really add a lot to the overall realism. My super minor suggestion is perhaps a bit more oil stains on the cement apron where the jeep is parked would really give the garage its "greasy" feel.
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United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 07:15 PM UTC
Love the bald mechanic, you can just hear him sucking in air through his teeth and saying "It's gonna cost you"
Robbo :-)
Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 08:55 PM UTC
Great piece of work Simon. Good composition and very well executed.
On the workbench:
MPC: 1972 Pontiac GTO
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Christchurch, New Zealand
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Posted: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 09:27 PM UTC
I agree, great idea and well done Simon, it tells a great story.
On the workbench..
Umm...to many unfinished projects!!
IPMS Christchurch (Inc)
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Luzon, Philippines
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Posted: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 10:15 PM UTC
the steering wheel..it should rest straight and level..the other way around. except if it has a steering problem..that's what he's pointing to the mechanic i guess. nice work on the kit and diorama..i like jeep diorama. thanks for sharing.
Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 - 05:47 AM UTC
Thanks for your comments. Glad you like it.
Liberator: I'm not sure if I understand you - but the steering wheel you say? Levelled...please make me understand

. I could use some advice in those matters, so it would be a great help.
But hey...it must be the steering that causes problems.
Thanks again
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 01:06 PM UTC
Great dio it's always good to see non battle dio's you've really done a great job on her well done.
Tekirdag, Turkey / Türkçe
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Posted: Sunday, August 21, 2005 - 09:07 PM UTC
Great dio Simon. Congrats.. I especially like the building. The details seem to be very nice. It would be very nice to see them closer, maybe some detail pictures?
Thanks for sharing
Lisboa, Portugal
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Posted: Monday, August 22, 2005 - 10:26 AM UTC
Awesome dio! I like the whole idea! Very well painted figures and jeep! The same goes for the house and all the stuff! I would dirty them a bit more, but it's personal taste! Good work!

Cheers and happy modelling!
Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Friday, August 26, 2005 - 06:18 AM UTC
Thanks for your kind remarks. Its appreciated.