Hosted by Darren Baker
My Dragon wish list


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 05:48 AM UTC
What Dragon has achieved is truly amazing, their accuracy and detail is simply unparalleled. Is there a possibility for a newly "tooled" Panther?? What I would do for a Bergepanther by Dragon(drooling on keyboard). Possbily even some of the larger artillery pcs. constructed like their new 88. What would you guys wish for?


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 06:31 AM UTC
I'd like a bergepanther too.


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 06:53 AM UTC
OK, maybe a bergepanther, but why any others? Dragons early Panthers (D, early and late A) are not that old and great kits. As far as the G goes, well, both the Dragon and Tamiya G's are very well done.
I'm a German WW2 fan, but hey, how about some Allied stuff, like maybe a Comet. Now there's a kit I would love to see in styrene.
I'm a German WW2 fan, but hey, how about some Allied stuff, like maybe a Comet. Now there's a kit I would love to see in styrene.


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 06:56 AM UTC
I liked the idea of the prototype Flakpanzer V "coelian" and they had a ZSU-23 Shilka. How about re-tooling the ZSU and introducing an M247 Sgt York. Add some variety!


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 07:04 AM UTC
They already have the molds for a basic panther hull and running gear in either an D, A or G configuration.
So yes, a Bergepanther would be very nice!
Preferably a G vers, but I'll take an A too.
DML has pretty much singlehandedly cleared off my 'wish' list.
IR Panther -fictional I know, but a nice base kit.
and a UHU is on the way.
251/22, Drilling, 251/7's on the shelf and ready to go.
Late Tiger, reworked Jagdtigers also there.
Hopefully that 234/4 from the Japanese show is also in 1/35th scale.
If they REALLY wanted me to be happy, they'd go back to their first issues, modern Russian/Soviet and give them the re-tooled treatment. BMP1-2, Btr 70-80, BRDM's . It's not too far fetched, look what they did with the Hummel/Nashorn abominations (6001 and 6002)
Tamiya has the definitive T-72, but it's not perfect. A DML modern tooled T72 with or without ERA would be great.
The t-80's need a fair amount of help.
Now that VLS is doing a ZSU23/4 interior, they could retool that one too.
What about applying the Genreation 2 techmology to the Russian soviet figures. Those things are nearly 15 yrs old and except for Zvezda/ICM and the $$$$$ resin Tank ones, the only game in town.
If they want to steal the thunder out from under Tamiya, do the 3-1 treatment to the T-62.
While we're there, A T-54 would be good too.
The Tunguska has been announced from EE (?) and SKif, but not seen the light of day. Do one of those.
I'd be up for modern helicopters in 1/35th too.
Apaches Mi28 or Ka50/52
Now that we have Gen 2 and slide molding technology, what about those FAV DPV's we've heard about, but never seen.
But if you want me to be out turning cartwheels in the street, do a PACV hovercraft in 1/35th ...
But for the love of pete, don't do a WWII US halftrack, all those guys need something to lust after and complain when they don't get...:-)
Kidding WWII US guys, just kidding.. don't send me nasty mail or viruses..
Who is not too worried how much it will hurt when the monkeys fly out my butt... :-)
So yes, a Bergepanther would be very nice!
Preferably a G vers, but I'll take an A too.
DML has pretty much singlehandedly cleared off my 'wish' list.
IR Panther -fictional I know, but a nice base kit.
and a UHU is on the way.
251/22, Drilling, 251/7's on the shelf and ready to go.
Late Tiger, reworked Jagdtigers also there.
Hopefully that 234/4 from the Japanese show is also in 1/35th scale.
If they REALLY wanted me to be happy, they'd go back to their first issues, modern Russian/Soviet and give them the re-tooled treatment. BMP1-2, Btr 70-80, BRDM's . It's not too far fetched, look what they did with the Hummel/Nashorn abominations (6001 and 6002)
Tamiya has the definitive T-72, but it's not perfect. A DML modern tooled T72 with or without ERA would be great.
The t-80's need a fair amount of help.
Now that VLS is doing a ZSU23/4 interior, they could retool that one too.
What about applying the Genreation 2 techmology to the Russian soviet figures. Those things are nearly 15 yrs old and except for Zvezda/ICM and the $$$$$ resin Tank ones, the only game in town.
If they want to steal the thunder out from under Tamiya, do the 3-1 treatment to the T-62.
While we're there, A T-54 would be good too.
The Tunguska has been announced from EE (?) and SKif, but not seen the light of day. Do one of those.
I'd be up for modern helicopters in 1/35th too.
Apaches Mi28 or Ka50/52
Now that we have Gen 2 and slide molding technology, what about those FAV DPV's we've heard about, but never seen.
But if you want me to be out turning cartwheels in the street, do a PACV hovercraft in 1/35th ...
But for the love of pete, don't do a WWII US halftrack, all those guys need something to lust after and complain when they don't get...:-)
Kidding WWII US guys, just kidding.. don't send me nasty mail or viruses..
Who is not too worried how much it will hurt when the monkeys fly out my butt... :-)


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 08:07 AM UTC
Darktrooper and MLD
DML has or had a Flakpanther and an IR Panther I know the Shanghai branch of DML had the IR Panther based on the late G
As far as the Flakpanther goes I think you can still get it
Squadron has it listed
As far as my wish list
SdKfz 7 A prime mover for the 88mm
German armored cars
Towed 150mm artillery piece
DML has or had a Flakpanther and an IR Panther I know the Shanghai branch of DML had the IR Panther based on the late G
As far as the Flakpanther goes I think you can still get it
Squadron has it listed
As far as my wish list
SdKfz 7 A prime mover for the 88mm
German armored cars
Towed 150mm artillery piece


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 10:10 AM UTC
Bergepanther would be cool. I would like to see some of the more rare and experimental tanks which they worked on like the Maus retooled and/or the E series tanks.


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 10:46 AM UTC
Hi all,
Here's my list.
1. All new German Prime movers, I think Dragon can improve on both Tamiya and Italeri.
2. New transport trucks, like the Opel Blitz 6700A 4x4 and some of the other workhorses of the Wehrmacht.
3. a plastic 15cm sFH18
4. a new 15cm NbW41, and some of the other towed German rocket launchers.
5. more late war German equipment and up-to-date stuff: Vampyr IR, backpacks, assault harnesses, flamethrowers and maybe more Luftfausts.
That is my list. I hope to see some of this stuff.
Here's my list.
1. All new German Prime movers, I think Dragon can improve on both Tamiya and Italeri.
2. New transport trucks, like the Opel Blitz 6700A 4x4 and some of the other workhorses of the Wehrmacht.
3. a plastic 15cm sFH18
4. a new 15cm NbW41, and some of the other towed German rocket launchers.
5. more late war German equipment and up-to-date stuff: Vampyr IR, backpacks, assault harnesses, flamethrowers and maybe more Luftfausts.
That is my list. I hope to see some of this stuff.


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 02:57 PM UTC
Panzer IV H and BMW motorbikes will do nicely.


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 03:19 PM UTC
a 1/35 sdkfz7, or sdkfz 9 famo... with crew figures! ...and with a price tag half of tamiya's...!


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 05:50 PM UTC
Chris, I like the sound of your list, you have my vote, but however, Mike, I'm also a German fan but have to agree with you also, lets see some more allied stuff.
My 2 cents
My 2 cents


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 06:49 PM UTC
My wish would be for trucks and motorbikes as there are so many tank models about just now that these would make a change and they are more versatile.


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 07:13 PM UTC
Echoing Cris's list:
I would also add the 35(t), a new Panzer II series, 251s(ausf. A & B) along with items such as ammo and generator trailers...
Regarding Soviet vehicles, my confidence is so high with Trumpeter at the moment, I would want them to do a KV-85 along with a series of BA armored cars...Jim
Quoted Text
1. All new German Prime movers, I think Dragon can improve on both Tamiya and Italeri.
2. New transport trucks, like the Opel Blitz 6700A 4x4 and some of the other workhorses of the Wehrmacht.
3. a plastic 15cm sFH18
4. a new 15cm NbW41, and some of the other towed German rocket launchers.
5. more late war German equipment and up-to-date stuff: Vampyr IR, backpacks, assault harnesses, flamethrowers and maybe more Luftfausts.
I would also add the 35(t), a new Panzer II series, 251s(ausf. A & B) along with items such as ammo and generator trailers...
Regarding Soviet vehicles, my confidence is so high with Trumpeter at the moment, I would want them to do a KV-85 along with a series of BA armored cars...Jim


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 07:28 PM UTC
German staff cars.
German steam engines.
German 6-horse wagons.
German Ambulance.
German steam engines.
German 6-horse wagons.
German Ambulance.


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 09:40 PM UTC
Well, looks like allied guys don't believe that Dragon will do anything without black crosses
I'm also very sceptical but maybe? OK, give me:
1) Softskins all era, esp. Studebacker, Mack No and M54 series
2) Wreckers- Diamond T
3) Retooled Warsaw Pact vehicles
4) Last but not least US halftracks!
For better sale volume I suggest put german decals into all boxes, modern stuff you can name as Panzerwaffe '80 or so

1) Softskins all era, esp. Studebacker, Mack No and M54 series
2) Wreckers- Diamond T
3) Retooled Warsaw Pact vehicles
4) Last but not least US halftracks!
For better sale volume I suggest put german decals into all boxes, modern stuff you can name as Panzerwaffe '80 or so


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Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 10:33 PM UTC
more on the pacific theater..japanese tanks,planes and troops. aus,nz,us allied troops and more. nobody yet has perfected palm trees.

Posted: Monday, September 26, 2005 - 05:42 AM UTC
How about an A7V with full interior
Scammell tank transporter, and a nice Comet would be cool

Scammell tank transporter, and a nice Comet would be cool


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Posted: Monday, September 26, 2005 - 06:07 AM UTC
I know its coming, but I'm still chomping at the bit for that Panzer IV e. What I would wish for is a T-62 ad T-72. We sure could use an M60 AVLB as well. Does anyone make decent BMP's and BTR's? If not throw those in. I'm sure that they have plans to add to their Panzer IV and Panther series we just need to have some patience.
Damm Andy you still have all those Tigers you bought at the show to build and you're already pushing for more? You old greedy thing you. :-)
Damm Andy you still have all those Tigers you bought at the show to build and you're already pushing for more? You old greedy thing you. :-)


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Posted: Monday, September 26, 2005 - 06:30 AM UTC
M2/M3/M5 HALFTRACK SERIES IN 3 in 1 style - thats it, thats all I want.


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Posted: Monday, September 26, 2005 - 06:49 AM UTC
Comet tank ( or early Centurion), CMP 30cwt & 3-ton trucks.


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Posted: Monday, September 26, 2005 - 06:55 AM UTC
only thing i want is a panther type G late one :-)


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Posted: Monday, September 26, 2005 - 07:16 AM UTC
If they do come out with any of the Allied items people are wishing for please, please, please give us as many goodies in the box as the German kits. Take the Battle of the Bulge Sherman. It's a refreshed older kit, of one model Sherman, with probably one third of the extra goodies the late production Tiger has, and the list price is the same.
I can't add to anything listed here.
I can't add to anything listed here.


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Posted: Monday, September 26, 2005 - 07:21 AM UTC
Quoted Text
only thing i want is a panther type G late one
And once again I ask why?? Both the Tamiya and Dragon Panther G kits are very nice.


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Posted: Monday, September 26, 2005 - 08:31 AM UTC
Quoted Text
If they do come out with any of the Allied items people are wishing for please, please, please give us as many goodies in the box as the German kits. Take the Battle of the Bulge Sherman. It's a refreshed older kit, of one model Sherman, with probably one third of the extra goodies the late production Tiger has, and the list price is the same.
I wish the same, After giving us 2 beautiful tigers with TONS of extras for a VERY good price, i was hopeing they would next do nice variant of the sherman with as many extras... more than the battle of the budlge sherman has... especialy when its worth 6$ more than tiger.
LETS PRAY FOR MORE ALLIED! but i must admit im impressed with the kits comming out.


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Posted: Monday, September 26, 2005 - 08:44 AM UTC
The same ones John is asking for:
M2, M3, M5, M9, M14 and all the other halftracks used by the Allied forces in WW2.
M2, M3, M5, M9, M14 and all the other halftracks used by the Allied forces in WW2.
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