Thanks again everyone!
Minuteman -The fringe on the rugs is NOT a seperate piece, it was done by unraveling the weave of the fabric with a needle.
All of them are done in 1/35th scale.
All of these individual builds are going in to my Carentan project, all my posts on furniture and the like are being made to go into that diorama.
Kieth - The enitre bed was assemble using contact cylo glue. All the joints were pinned with brass pins inserted into the major joints of the tubes. Soldering I didn't think was an option, I didn't want to risk the clean up of the heat marks that would be left by soldering vs the fragile state of the bed. The cylo glue will also help prevent the brass from oxidation and going to the dark color brass will turn in the years to come.
Jon - I'm already one step ahead with the comforter, I am looking for the just the right style of bedding to give it that extra touch. I am currently expirementing with the iron on transfer stuff to get what I want. However in the mean time if you see a pattern I can use give me a shout, thats the hardest part!
The bed skirt is not finished yet, nor do I have feet on the bed itself yet. The bed skirt is stiff, and I want to make it look pleated (or at least make it look like it flows better). I left plenty of material to do so when I go to dye the kleenex. Any suggestions are welcome, I thought I would try to work some folds into it with a needle when I start to color it. What do you all think?
Eventually, there will be article/s (toutorials) produced for those of you that are interested in making some of your own stuff. Again thanks a lot to all of you for the feed back, suggestions and kind words, it nice knowing that you appreciate the extremes I have chosen to take this diorama.