The title of my vignette is "Breakfast At Cassino". The following scene depicts a Fallshirmjager MG squad just moving into another ruin in Cassino town. They've managed to make themselves comfortable despite the ruins of Cassino town and what was arguably one of the toughest battle of WW II. As Hitler was quoted to have said about the fighting at Monte Cassino as the trench warfare of WW I fought with WW II weapons.
The platoon Feldwebel (standing) has come around on his daily rounds to check on how many are still alive. The Fallschirmjager wear a variety of tropical pattern smocks (2nd. issue) and I've tried to give them a war weary, disinterested stares with the key operating word being "tried".
I've tried to keep the urge to customize these DML figs to the minimum, otherwise I'd never get to finish it as usual. Apart from a few minor surgery on arms, webbing straps and buckles, dented helmets and the odd pot for the coffee everyone was left pretty much alone.
This vignette is my first go at buildings after working on mostly jungle dios. A good learning experience.
All comments appreciated.