I just realized that assembling the individual track links to the required form is much, much easier before joining the two halves of the chassis (and you install them after you finished the kit).
I found out that for the one-piece tracks, like the ones given with the Trumpeter M1A1 can only be painted by enamels.
But: how do you install them? If you join the two halves together, you have to stretch them over the wheels. This is problematic because
1. the paint will crack (How do you paint a rubber track, anyway? Same method of black base, rust, drybrush? Before or after the installation?)
2. the wheels might give in. (My 1/72 Dragon T-34's idlers broke because of the tracks were too tight. I have never read anything about this particular kit that it's a problem, so obviously I messed up something. This would be more noticable in a 1/34 kit.)
If you join the two ends of the tracks on the kit, it's problematic too, because
1. the paint still can crack
2. although you can give it some slack by leaving it a bit longer as you install it, you still put a lot of force onto the plastic wheels and suspension bars. And you have to do it in a very confided space (the chassis should be joined, painted, weathered, the wheels installed - in other words, the tank finished) -and in many cases you have to melt the pins holding the tracks together in a not very forgiving environment, filled up with carefully painted, weathered and drybrushed meltable plastic... but using glue, and keeping the halves together while setting can be tricky too..
The indvidual tracks seem to be a bit harder... I guess you pre-form the required shape of the track in parts, let the glue dry, then set the ready tracks aside for painting...
When exactly do you put the tracks on,anyway? I presume it's the very last step, but I can be wrong - after all it's kind of hard when the upper part of the tank obstructs everything...
So please, give me some advice how to work with either types - I've read a lot about armor modelling online, but aside from the "and I installed the tracks" I haven't found any answers...
(Right now I build the affortmentioned M1A1 purely for practice reasons: camo patterns, masking, weathering and track-building. Trumpeter gave both types of tracks, so one side will be rubber the other side will be individual linked... the best 10 bucks I spent on a learning curve)