For discussions on tanks, artillery, jeeps, etc.
For discussions on tanks, artillery, jeeps, etc.
Hosted by Darren Baker, Mario Matijasic
Haunted Tank of GI Combat Comics


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Posted: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 09:30 AM UTC
Hey Muttley! Here is the cover of issue #158 you mentioned:


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Posted: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 09:33 AM UTC
Quoted Text
With regards to the Losers, I have an origins issue that shows both Gunner and Sarge were Marines, not one USMC and one US Army. No biggie, I just thought I'd point that out.
I stand corrected. Can't blame me for 40 year plus childhood memories. :-) :-)


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Posted: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 09:55 AM UTC
Do any of you think using a British Crusader hull and Chaffee turret would work?
Thats what it looks like to me...man, now I have the itch to build the Haunted Tank. :-)
Thats what it looks like to me...man, now I have the itch to build the Haunted Tank. :-)


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Posted: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:33 AM UTC
Here is the issue that the clip came from:
Dec. 1971 #151
Yeah, I know I'm older than dirt too.

Here is the issue that the clip came from:
Dec. 1971 #151
Yeah, I know I'm older than dirt too.



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Posted: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 07:58 PM UTC
The cover says Jan but the inside page states that the issue is Dec/Jan.
By the way, does anybody remember a story that appeared earlier that this issue titled "You Made It Too!"
Story is about a unit that attacks a enemy hill strongpoint and this GI gets separated from his fellow soldiers and fights his way solo to the top thinking that he is all alone. At the top he is reunited with members of his unit that basically had the same experience. That's the story as well as I remember it - not sure if it was Europe or Korea but I think it took place during the winter as he was wearing an overcoat. 50 years fogs the mind alittle.
Anyway I'm trying to locate a copy of this issue.
By the way, does anybody remember a story that appeared earlier that this issue titled "You Made It Too!"
Story is about a unit that attacks a enemy hill strongpoint and this GI gets separated from his fellow soldiers and fights his way solo to the top thinking that he is all alone. At the top he is reunited with members of his unit that basically had the same experience. That's the story as well as I remember it - not sure if it was Europe or Korea but I think it took place during the winter as he was wearing an overcoat. 50 years fogs the mind alittle.
Anyway I'm trying to locate a copy of this issue.


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Posted: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 08:19 PM UTC
That is one WEIRD looking tank! I think that hull looks more like a T-34 than a Crusader, but that turret, at least from the front, looks like a Crusader. The AA MG looks like something off a more modern Russian tank, and that secondary MG turret in the hull kind of looks like something British, but far larger. It's a real mutt, that's for sure. Gives you plenty of artistic license to make whatever you want. Who's going to know?
On the subjetc of oddball tanks, and the Combat TV series, I've built, but not finished, a Walker Bulldog to look like a tank used in the Combat episode The Hell Machine. In this episode Saunders and a reluctant Frank Gorshin, who is supposed to be a claustophobic tank driver, capture a "panzer." The panzer was a M41 on loan from the California National Guard. It was painted in camo, which because the show was in black and white I can't tell what colors were used, and had what looked like sheets of plywood hung off the sides to look like German armored skirts. Of course it also had German crosses on it.
On the subjetc of oddball tanks, and the Combat TV series, I've built, but not finished, a Walker Bulldog to look like a tank used in the Combat episode The Hell Machine. In this episode Saunders and a reluctant Frank Gorshin, who is supposed to be a claustophobic tank driver, capture a "panzer." The panzer was a M41 on loan from the California National Guard. It was painted in camo, which because the show was in black and white I can't tell what colors were used, and had what looked like sheets of plywood hung off the sides to look like German armored skirts. Of course it also had German crosses on it.


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Posted: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:43 PM UTC
I've been collecting the Combat series since they've started releasing it. It's fun to see all the concoctions that they came up with to use as German vehicles.
Of course back when it first aired on TV in the 60's, I like so many others, gobbled it up, I think it came on Tuesday nites. Tried to never miss an episode. Remember "The Gallant Men" which aired about the same time. I think if I remember right it was set in Italy and only ran for one season.
Seems like only yesterday...hahahahahaha.
I've been collecting the Combat series since they've started releasing it. It's fun to see all the concoctions that they came up with to use as German vehicles.
Of course back when it first aired on TV in the 60's, I like so many others, gobbled it up, I think it came on Tuesday nites. Tried to never miss an episode. Remember "The Gallant Men" which aired about the same time. I think if I remember right it was set in Italy and only ran for one season.
Seems like only yesterday...hahahahahaha.


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Posted: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 09:12 AM UTC
Who remembers the TV series "Rat Patrol"?

Posted: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 11:10 AM UTC
Quoted Text
I've been collecting the Combat series since they've started releasing it. It's fun to see all the concoctions that they came up with to use as German vehicles.
Of course back when it first aired on TV in the 60's, I like so many others, gobbled it up, I think it came on Tuesday nites. Tried to never miss an episode. Remember "The Gallant Men" which aired about the same time. I think if I remember right it was set in Italy and only ran for one season.
Seems like only yesterday...hahahahahaha.
Speaking of vehicle concoctions for the 'Combat' series,what was used for the German halftrack with the cone-like mg turret?Somebody always managed to get a grenade in that little turret opening on the first throw! :-) :-) :-)
As far as the 'Haunted Tank',wasn't there an episode where they took on a giant robot panzer and eventually both of them crashed into a river when the bridge gave way from the weight? I think Sgt. Rock went after a giant SS grenadier robot in one issue too.*sigh*Thanks for throwin' 'em out,mom.


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Posted: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 12:18 PM UTC
I think the German vehicle in Combat was an M3 halftrack with a cone like thing added on the front and the top covered over with that funny lookin' turret added.
I've got seasons 1-3 so far with 4 and 5 on the way.
I remember a couple of strange issue of the Hunted Tank and yeah my parents threw out all my comics when I got married.
Had them all boxed up and stored in the basement till one day they decided to "clean house" and out they went to bottom of some landfill. There were a few high dollar issues in there. I had saved every comic that I had bought. Right now the only one I'm interested in the one with the "You Made It Too!" story. It's my search for the "Holy Grail". I've managed to acquire several of the first kits that I built back in the 50's and now I'm stuck on finding this particular comic.
It's funny how as we get older we start looking for links to our pasts.
I'm sure the "shrinks" have a name for that.
I've got seasons 1-3 so far with 4 and 5 on the way.
I remember a couple of strange issue of the Hunted Tank and yeah my parents threw out all my comics when I got married.
Had them all boxed up and stored in the basement till one day they decided to "clean house" and out they went to bottom of some landfill. There were a few high dollar issues in there. I had saved every comic that I had bought. Right now the only one I'm interested in the one with the "You Made It Too!" story. It's my search for the "Holy Grail". I've managed to acquire several of the first kits that I built back in the 50's and now I'm stuck on finding this particular comic.
It's funny how as we get older we start looking for links to our pasts.
I'm sure the "shrinks" have a name for that.


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Posted: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 04:02 PM UTC
What I remember about those comics was the liberal use of swasticas. Every tank was painted gray with a red circle and a swastica and almost if not all of the troops wearing swastica armbands. No wonder so many folks around my generation see any model german tank I build and call it "NAZI". I had the very first issue of the comic when I was a kid along with the first Spiderman, Hulk, X-men, Thor, and Iron man....of course we all know where they ended up when we moved back to the States in 64

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Posted: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 07:35 PM UTC
Quoted Text
It's funny how as we get older we start looking for links to our pasts.
I'm sure the "shrinks" have a name for that.
yeah aside from looking for those comics i had when i was a kid, Im also desperately trying to collect old model kits from my time, as well as getting dvd's of my favorite tv shows from my growing up years, its like trying to make peace with the past or something, you suddenly get to think of these things from your younger days then the urge to have them again in your life now gets so strong

[/quote] "Who remembers the TV series "Rat Patrol"? [/quote]
I think even someone whos got amnesia would not forget the Rats :-)
Posted: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 10:50 PM UTC
Haunted Tank was my favorite, especially when they started writing the German dialogue in German!
These cartoons were my guides to colors for uniforms and equipment. My first Tamiya Germans were painted dark blue, as per Sgt Rock, etc. :-)
The composite tank was a T-34 hull, it had a 20mm grafted into the bow, a US 76mm, and I don't recall the turret. There was an issue with a feature identifying the composite tank parts.
One of the crew was KIA and replaced with an African-American but I don't recall who, or the new guy's name.
Anyone remember the Enemy Ace, Rittmeister Hans von Hammer? in 1990 DC Comics published graphic novel Enemy Ace: War Idyll Pratt interview, DC Comic's page I have it--really impressive book.
Then, a'la Star Wars, they came out with oddly titled mid-story ENEMY ACE: WAR IN HEAVEN:
Well, Enemy Ace: War Idyll gives away that he lives through the war, but guess who captures him??
Enemy Ace: War Idyll is out of print but the other is available. Both are greatly enjoyable.
These cartoons were my guides to colors for uniforms and equipment. My first Tamiya Germans were painted dark blue, as per Sgt Rock, etc. :-)
The composite tank was a T-34 hull, it had a 20mm grafted into the bow, a US 76mm, and I don't recall the turret. There was an issue with a feature identifying the composite tank parts.
One of the crew was KIA and replaced with an African-American but I don't recall who, or the new guy's name.
Anyone remember the Enemy Ace, Rittmeister Hans von Hammer? in 1990 DC Comics published graphic novel Enemy Ace: War Idyll Pratt interview, DC Comic's page I have it--really impressive book.
Then, a'la Star Wars, they came out with oddly titled mid-story ENEMY ACE: WAR IN HEAVEN:
Quoted Text
--DC Comics Now it's World War II, and blood rains from the skies once again! Von Hammer, the finest pilot Germany has ever known, is now a 46-year-old man with plenty of enemies in the Nazi regime.
Well, Enemy Ace: War Idyll gives away that he lives through the war, but guess who captures him??

Enemy Ace: War Idyll is out of print but the other is available. Both are greatly enjoyable.


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Posted: Thursday, January 26, 2006 - 03:16 AM UTC
i remember
gallant men
citizen soldier
rat patrol
mchales navy[ lol ]
sgt bilko
and all the aforementioned comics
gallant men
citizen soldier
rat patrol
mchales navy[ lol ]
sgt bilko
and all the aforementioned comics


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Posted: Thursday, January 26, 2006 - 03:37 AM UTC
Hey Guys,
All this talk about the Haunted Tank......sounds to me like a great idea for a Campaign?
A chance to make a truly unique tank based on the comic clip of your choice.
All this talk about the Haunted Tank......sounds to me like a great idea for a Campaign?
A chance to make a truly unique tank based on the comic clip of your choice.


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Posted: Thursday, January 26, 2006 - 03:52 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Haunted Tank was my favorite, especially when they started writing the German dialogue in German!
These cartoons were my guides to colors for uniforms and equipment. My first Tamiya Germans were painted dark blue, as per Sgt Rock, etc. :-)
The composite tank was a T-34 hull, it had a 20mm grafted into the bow, a US 76mm, and I don't recall the turret. There was an issue with a feature identifying the composite tank parts.
One of the crew was KIA and replaced with an African-American but I don't recall who, or the new guy's name.
Anyone remember the Enemy Ace, Rittmeister Hans von Hammer? in 1990 DC Comics published graphic novel Enemy Ace: War Idyll Pratt interview, DC Comic's page I have it--really impressive book.
Then, a'la Star Wars, they came out with oddly titled mid-story ENEMY ACE: WAR IN HEAVEN:Quoted Text--DC ComicsNow it's World War II, and blood rains from the skies once again! Von Hammer, the finest pilot Germany has ever known, is now a 46-year-old man with plenty of enemies in the Nazi regime.
Well, Enemy Ace: War Idyll gives away that he lives through the war, but guess who captures him??![]()
Enemy Ace: War Idyll is out of print but the other is available. Both are greatly enjoyable.
I thought the gun was a 17lbr The turret may have been a Pershing I loved the Enemy Ace : War Idyll I still wanna build an ME-262 and paint it red :-)

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Posted: Thursday, January 26, 2006 - 04:28 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Hey Guys,
All this talk about the Haunted Tank......sounds to me like a great idea for a Campaign?
A chance to make a truly unique tank based on the comic clip of your choice.

with this all of us old boars and yesteryear romantics build vehicles and characters from our favorite comics from our childhood years which inspired us a lot

I guess with this its time to raid the atic and look for the box of all thos staked comic books eh


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Posted: Thursday, January 26, 2006 - 04:35 AM UTC
Hmmmm I think this would be a great group build Build a dark blue panzer Have the German infantry in a purple uniform :-) :-) I think I could make an M3A1 Stuart special
Posted: Thursday, January 26, 2006 - 05:45 AM UTC
Hi Chad,
Not to give anything away, but have you read
Quoted Text
I still wanna build an ME-262 and paint it red :-)
Not to give anything away, but have you read


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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 01:24 AM UTC
Dont forget Popskies Private Army
and their SAS type jeep, Ive seen a real Jeep made into one so Igeuss it will look good if someone made a model of it


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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 05:29 AM UTC
Actually, war comics have been making a bit of a comeback lately. Just a couple of years ago DC published a 6 issue mini-series called "War Stories" that told different, unconnected stories each issue. They followed it up with another 6 issue mini-series the next year in the same format. These books took a much more realistic approach to storytelling, putting more emphasis on the horrors of war.
DC has also put out two or three collections of Sgt. Rock tales from the 1960s and 70s in graphic novel form for less than $15 each.
Finally, there's a new Sgt. Rock mini-series that hit the news stands last week. It's written and drawn by Joe Kubert, who was the original artist for most of the title's original run. I haven't had a chance to read my copy yet, but I hope to get to it in the next couple of days.
DC has also put out two or three collections of Sgt. Rock tales from the 1960s and 70s in graphic novel form for less than $15 each.
Finally, there's a new Sgt. Rock mini-series that hit the news stands last week. It's written and drawn by Joe Kubert, who was the original artist for most of the title's original run. I haven't had a chance to read my copy yet, but I hope to get to it in the next couple of days.


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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 05:38 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Actually, war comics have been making a bit of a comeback lately. Just a couple of years ago DC published a 6 issue mini-series called "War Stories" that told different, unconnected stories each issue. They followed it up with another 6 issue mini-series the next year in the same format. These books took a much more realistic approach to storytelling, putting more emphasis on the horrors of war.
DC has also put out two or three collections of Sgt. Rock tales from the 1960s and 70s in graphic novel form for less than $15 each.
Finally, there's a new Sgt. Rock mini-series that hit the news stands last week. It's written and drawn by Joe Kubert, who was the original artist for most of the title's original run. I haven't had a chance to read my copy yet, but I hope to get to it in the next couple of days.![]()
Johhan's Tiger was my favorite of that series Very well done


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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 05:39 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Actually, war comics have been making a bit of a comeback lately. Just a couple of years ago DC published a 6 issue mini-series called "War Stories" that told different, unconnected stories each issue. They followed it up with another 6 issue mini-series the next year in the same format. These books took a much more realistic approach to storytelling, putting more emphasis on the horrors of war.
DC has also put out two or three collections of Sgt. Rock tales from the 1960s and 70s in graphic novel form for less than $15 each.
Finally, there's a new Sgt. Rock mini-series that hit the news stands last week. It's written and drawn by Joe Kubert, who was the original artist for most of the title's original run. I haven't had a chance to read my copy yet, but I hope to get to it in the next couple of days.![]()
Johhan's Tiger was my favorite of that series Very well done

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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 06:36 AM UTC
Speaking of Sgt Rock, I heard way back in the late 80's or early 90's that Hollywood was suppossed to have made a movie of the comic hero starring Arnold Schwarzenegger (the Guvenator) as Rock. I bet it wouldve been a hit if that movie pulled thru


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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 11:13 PM UTC
i like him better as 'dutch'. though his company were all wiped-out during their last mission.
yes..hunted tank and war stories. we have them too..long time ago. that's where i learned to draw tanks and planes before getting into modelling.
yes..hunted tank and war stories. we have them too..long time ago. that's where i learned to draw tanks and planes before getting into modelling.

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