You guys are killin' me with all this nostalgic talk

...Sgt. Rock has always been one of my hero's {even though he's Army

Hence , my choice of avatar....
I also liked Capt. Cloud and his P-51, not to mention Sgt. Fury and his you-know-what Commando's
I think the idea of a comic book-based GB is a dandy one. Not only do comic book subjects cover tanks, aircraft, etc., but they also cover quite a spectrum of engagements historically {I don't think I have to explain to this crowd

}. It would be great to see what a Campaign of this sort would create......the mind boogles!
BTW......thx for generating all the internal 'excitement' I'm going to have to start looking around for some 'NM' issues of GI Combat!........sheeeeesh!