Thank you boys and girl for your kind comment and suggestion. The following is the answers for the questions:
1st, the figure thing, I had gloss coat it first then wash with oil, but afterwards I put serveal flat on, but it's still shiny, I guess I just need to keep on flatten them....
2nd, The tow cable is the kit one, I just added wing nuts and brackets from PE to it, the Aber set does come with tow cables, but I just can't bend them to the right shape, and also insert into the PE eyelets no matter how hard I tried, so I choose the cheap/easy route....
3rd, the track cable is actually from the PE set, and it's a bear to bend, but luckily the outcome is okay.
4th. The AM items I am using for the kit is Tank Workshop partial interior, Aber 35K01 Tiger full upgrade set (highly recommended, imaging the 1/16 full Aber kit, this just the 1/35 version), and Friul Tracks.
5th. After I painted the camo scene, I did a wash with oil, then spray the tank with buff, and lower chasis with 70% flat earth + 30% flat black. Then weathered with pastel chalk, cannot do the dry brush, because I don't know how to do them....
Thank you again for your nice words, I am doing the old Nashorn now with a bunch of upgrades, and will post some in-progress pictures soon....