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On going project - Any updates
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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 01:48 AM UTC
Just cuirous there are a couple of threads with diorama projects that are underway - Eriks Panther, Simons Church...

There are a couple of Diorama Campaigns going now - who's go updates or things they want to share.

I personally have two underway - sorry no pictues (Yet).
One Pink Panther in the desert using Tamiya's beloved old '70's kit and a couple of Verlinden kits for 'backup'
The second diorama is a 1/48 scale endevour with a Kubel and a CD building and Kancali street.

Just curious
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Armed Forces Pacific, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 02:17 AM UTC
My small bridge dio is coming along slowly, but it is still making progress. I coated the base with spackle tonight and some ground texture. Waiting for it to dry then I can begin painting and adding vegetation and the resin river. Will post some photo's soon.

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Noord-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 03:06 AM UTC
Ola Scott

Well not really into campaigns at the moment since I built terribly slow and I never reach a deadline unless it is extended with 5 months.

Well you probably will know my Motorcycle dio which I'm slowly working on since september last year. IF you don't know it here are some links to the progress I made on it the last couple of months. I will start posting 2 links of the original on 2 wheels campaign in which I wanted to enter this. so you can see how it completely went out of control
On 2 wheels FAUSTS entry
On 2 Wheels FAUSTS Entry part Deux
Wo geht's Zum Krieg dio in Progress
WIP Fence for motordio
Well then of course I also have the Liberation of Holland Diorama/Vignette I'm Working on. Basically I am still doing some background research for the clothing of that time and I'm also searching for more figures. Here are some links
Liberation of Holland Vignette
Liberation of Holland vignette Part Deux
Liberation of Holland part three

Well with above said. I have some other things going on of which I have no photographs. Always working on different projects for no apparent reason. I also have found a lot of brilliant pictures that simply beg to be built. For instance a Panzer 1 A towing a Junkers Stuka to it's place in Africa. I also have a nice idea of a Wehrmacht Omnibus having a Flat tire. And a scene of the normandy landings built in an Original US GI helmet. Or a Panzer 1 Ladungsleger driving along a destroyed french tank during the France campaign with some tank hunters with it. Well ideas enough where to find time.... I will first finish my Motorcycle dio

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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 05:00 AM UTC
Ryan - forgot the bridge dio. Looking forward to seeing pictures.
Robert - I can always count on you to have projects going. I bet they all come to completion within a week of each other - can't wait.
Kenneth - the figure poses are great! I like them a lot. What is your plan for the front middle of the diorama? Question - would the M20 be in front of the Sherm? It would normally do lead out recon.
I'm a huge edge/base fan - don't forget to touch up the edge of the ground work.

right - yak yak - where the pics

So - here is what I've got going - still at ton to do. It's VPs desert building, and Arab figures, Tamiya's PP, tons of gear from CD, VP, and the scrap box...
Still to do
Ground Paint
Ground Wash
Ground pastels
Figures and vehicle pastels
Final driver assembly
Base edge and bottom dress up.

oh - indoor crappy lighting - sorry....
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Nebraska, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 10:21 PM UTC
Looks like some very intersting projects indeed guys. Scott, its been a long time since I have seen the "pink panther" kit. Looks to be another great dio in the making. Ken, I am liking the concept and layout of yours as well. fine work. Looking forward to the next undates. Cheers Kevin
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Noord-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 05:55 AM UTC
Ola Scott

Nice topic mate.

@ Kenneth
That is some mighty interesting project you are working on. I really likr this kind of stuff really nice Out of the box thinking you have done there and I really look forward to the end result.

@ Scott
Well probably it isn't really a secret that I usually have multiple projects going on at the same time. Thanks for the comment by the way. Your project of the pinj panther looks really good although I have a question about the pink panther itself. Was it really that pink?? I recall somehow that the pink color was much lighter/paler. Of course I could be wrong about that
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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 06:15 AM UTC
Robert - Thanks for the comments. The PP was pink, you're right that it was toned down pink. The lighting is affecting it a bit, I honestly, have it a bit too pink - maybe I can 'get away' with saying it's factory fresh
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Michigan, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 06:57 AM UTC
I started my Berlin45 with a couple bombed out buildings. I will wait the rubble the streets after I get an appropriate Russian tank.

I also have my Wheels road dio going.

In addition I have a super secret project that only a few people know about. It's been a lot of fun and I'm dying to tell....
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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 01:11 PM UTC
Hi All,

I've been working on my Ramcke brigade dio. It features 4 figs and 1 vehicle. The figs are more or less done except for equipment and touchups. The vehicle which is a VW Beetle will be submitted for the Move It Again campaign when I finish with it and before it goes into the dio.

Groundwork with some desert scrub

3 of the 4 figs requiring equipment and touchups.

Got to finish it soon before laziness sets in.
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 01:39 PM UTC
Those look to be cming along great!
Scott- your figs look really animated; I like the
bedouins! The ground work has a great subtle slope to it.
Kenneth- As Scott mentioned, I like the figures created and what they're doing... Professional curiosity, right?
Maybe the M20 crew are investigating, whilst the 105mm crew are craning for a look from their hatches as they approach?
CK- Like the ground work here! Looks arid enough!

As for myself, trying to finish a M4A1 (75) in bad weather, and unsure if I should re build my bogged dio from a while ago featuring this tank in September '44. There were unseasonal amounts of rain appparently... Foul weather covers are going to be on the barrel and hull MG to add something different...
Keep you posted...
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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 04:38 PM UTC
CK - keep going, don't let the lazies in
Your figures are wonderfully done. The big map is a bit stiff from a side view. It's a nice touch, you usually see maps laying down on something.

Keep up the good work everyone.
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Vaud, Switzerland
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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 06:23 PM UTC
Progress report :
1. Haven't touched the ambulance / triage dio, so I think you have the latest pictures in my gallery.
Still left : adding some bandages, maybe a bit of drybrushing on some figs, making the frame for the base nicer, with maybe the title of the dio painted in german font

2. My dad is working on building a nice metal fence for the Dragon Wagon dio. He is the slowest builder in the world. Have won 2 harleys on ebay, they will fit very nice!
So a lot left for that one : fence, painting the nice bases, building the harleys...

3. Almost done with the 2nd GMC truck for my red ball express dio. I have to post some pics soon, I love the 1st one. My 1st airbrushed model!
Then I have to build : the citroen traction, the 2 french resistants, and the other &ŕ GIs....

4. The plan for my "German extravaganza" is coming along, and I think this one will be fun to watch. I'm planning to make a scene of German officers in Austria showing off with ladies, in a gorgeous prestigious setting, using those Plus Model wonderful building.
I've only built the building and a couple of vehicles, the hard bit will be the base since I would like to make it look like a nice site of an austrian town, maybe with a monument or a nice square in the middle...

Got to go and finish the 2nd GMC truck, and then take some pix for you guys!
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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 09:45 PM UTC
Thanks Scott for the encouragement. You're right the map does seem kind of stiff from the side. Thanks too Brad, for a while I was kind of worried about the color and the fact that the dio didn't turn out looking dry enough.

It always gets hard near the finishing line for me. Sometimes I think I could make procrasination my profession if it pays.

BTW before I forget to mention it again, Scott. I love the desert building and the Bedouins are going to fit just nicely. Any chance of throwing in a camel? Have the little guys cursing the Pinkie driver for disturbing their "delicate" animal or maybe an overturned fruit stand cos the do seem kind of annoyed.
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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 09:52 PM UTC
CK - I love the overturned fuit stand idea!! I'm going to have to come up with something like that. My original idea was to title is something like 'Keep it Down..?' and use the play on words to indicate that they were upset over the noise and the driver will have his left hand on a sidearm so the play would be his decision to keep his side arm down too. But I like the visual of an overturned something. I already have a sack of 'food' that is going it - it won't be hard at all to add more....

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Tennessee, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 27, 2006 - 10:24 PM UTC

I am looking forward to all three of yours being finished
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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Saturday, January 28, 2006 - 12:12 AM UTC
Started a streetfight type dio a little while ago.Have yet to finish figures which will be shielded from an Opel Blitz .Toying with the idea of snow..just afraid of it all turning out wrong!
The dio itself is 50% done.I've made a plaster casting from the front secion of the building to use for the interior walls.Will be placing in window frames ,wallpapering walls,adding damaged floor planks,front door and assorted debris.Should be ready in about 10 years!Cheers,Shay

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Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Saturday, January 28, 2006 - 12:15 AM UTC
Hi there
I'm currently working on a dio for the Berlin-campaign. Just waiting to receive a Verlinden bulding and some various items from historex, and I'm off to completion...well not yet, soon. Soon.

Then, finishing a smaller dio depicting a Spitfire in 1/72 which I'd like to donate my local hobbyshop. He's been helpful in displaying my work, and he's an air-plane afficionado. Me being a "ground-military"-afficionado, so I thought I might give the plane to someone who appreciates those things more than I. I just made the plane to paint something else than OD and German grey, you know?

Also: When I'm not working on any spcific project, I just make figures and paint them. I keep the figgies in a draw-like thing ready to be added to any dio. I think I got wome 30-40 figures ready for dio-action.

Thats about that.
