Thanks Mark, the seats are just painted and drybrushed, as my original plans included a cover over the cabin. I didn't detail the cabin other than what comes in the kit. If I do another one I will at least add some decent pedals, and the canvas bag in front of the co-driver.
The tarps are done with tissue paper (surprise..), moistened with diluted white glue and painted in various shades of brown, kahki drab and earth. plenty of washes and dirt spills to give them that 'authentic' filthy used and abused look.
Hi Cheyenne
Thanks, and the .50 skatering is from the Tamiya asseccory set for the Duece and a half. Fits 'almost' like a glove...
. Not a common fitment, but I thought it looked to cool to pass.
Quoted Text
Also just a small question, why didn't you put the 50 in the barrel holder on the ring mount, as you modeled it in a stowed position with the tarp ?
And well you may ask.... :-) I deceided on the cover after I glued the mount in place. The Browning leaves much to be desired, and as I had no replacement I decided on the cover.
I bashed a Canadian Vehicle registration together, as it was an entry for the 'Walcheren' campaign.