Well, the M9 is build for the M60 hull. I had to use epoxy putty to build up the M9 to fit to the hull. I am not totally sure of the positioning, but it is about as close as I could get it. I attached the putty to the M9 assembly and then pressed it to the M48 at the right position and let it dry. Then I super-glued it to the hull. I used Tamiya putty to close the seams up.. sort of. I buit the hydrolic pump from epoxy putty, clad in sheet styrene. The pipes did not want to bend right and looks about as good as it can at this point.
The turret was a mess, lacking the hand rails, lifting eyes, etc. The travel lock was the wrong size and the hull had details molded on that I ground off. Not am at work on the detailing.