Don't have any tutorials handy, but here's my version of the cheesecloth technique. Since all of the materials are cheap, tinker with it until you are comfortable:
Lay out the cheese cloth
Wet down with diluted white glue
Sprinkle Herbs (parsley is what I think the wife picks up)
Roll/fold/mangle to fit
Place on model
Let dry completely.
Remove, paint, etc.
Replace and finish.
The herbs are dried, so you won't have anything rotting, and the white glue as well will serve to cover/preserve anything else. Paint adhere's well to the glue, and you can also wash or pastel for the appropriate type of weather. It should give you the effect that modern US camo netting has when rolled. If you were to have it set up, covering a vehicle, you may want to look at another option.
Nice note is, if you find you don't like it, try again, or modfiy to suit you.