This is Tamiya's 1/35 M4A3 Sherman 75mm. Built OOB woth some of the storage from the spares box, although most of it came with the kit. Snow is Woodland Scenics snow, mixted with Klear for the wet snow on the tank.
I don't really like models as heavily weathered as this, but it's due to go in an Ardennes dio at some point in the distant future... gives me the chills....I think I need to wear a jacket to view this thread :-) . Looks fantastic and nice job on the snow. The only thing that looks out of place are the crates, they look plastic to me -- probably because of the color....anyway its not part of the A-MoM contest because we are supposed to judge the kit not the stowage.
Overall, I think it would be a greate entry for the the MoM. Good luck