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They are both great kits and have taken me no more than 4 hrs to construct.
I;m not a purist and am always happy with my end results, thats why I like this hobby.
Do whats best for u mate and enjoy this wonderful hobby.
Cheers and good luck
I agree with this totally. I am not a purist either. I look for having fun and relaxation in the hobby. I get enough striving for perfection at work. I do not need it in my hobby. I went back into model building to help relax, not stress out.
The early Tamiya kits (KV's and T-34's) are criticized for their lack of accuracy, that may be so to some degree, but they are easy to build, and I have fun building them. I have tried kits from other manufactures and it is not the same for me.
When I look at the finished model and a picture of the real tank, to be honest, I do not see the major differences oe inaccuracies. A Tamiya KV or T-34 looks like the real thing to me. I am not going to go find a real life version and measure its dimensions to see if my model matches.
I think in this hobby there are people who want the perfection and the look of the real thing to the minute detail. I think that is good and I respect that. The models they put together are incredible.
I am more of the type that worries less about the exact details and wants to experiment, learn, and have fun without stressing about details. I will work the details to the level my skill and patience will allow.