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Thanks for the info Dave! I couldn't tell from the pictures I had whether it was a converted or 'new' one! I'll amend what I sadi in the review!
I hope that I'm not promulgating misinformation, as I'm a novice. The vehicle depicted on the kit box art seems to be a later production version as it has a single headlamp with Tarnkappe and later style arrangement of pioneer tools on the superstructure (however, the box art seems also to show the driver's perisopes (K.F.F.2), which were eliminated after December 1942). Anyway, in Jentz and Doyle's "Panzer Tracts" 7-2 they have a photo of a converted Ausf. F. In the photo, they comment on a "higher armor guard made out of three plates on the superstructure roof" (and it is certainly much taller than the six piece guard on the production Marder II which is the subject of the kit). Also noticeable in the photo of the conversion vehicle is that the gun shield sits considerably higher than the superstructure walls. In the photos that depict the production version, the gun shield is most definitely level with the superstructure sides. I have supposed that the difference in relative gun shield height is due to this difference in the "armor guard." So as not to misrepresent Jentz and Doyle I should clarify my earlier comments and mention that they do not specifically address this aspect. Further, the production photos all have the travel lock in use, while the conversion vehicle has the gun tube elevated. It's entirely possible that the difference in gun shield height is due to the elevation of the gun in the photo of the conversion vehicle. Now, disclaimers asside, I think that it is correct that the gun shield height is more or less level with the superstructure sides. The cover of "Panzer Tracts" 7-2 shows a Marder II with travel lock engaged. You can see a scan of the cover at discountmodels.com:
http://www.discountmodels.com/images/pzt7-2.jpg .
Sorry for such a lengthy post, but I did want to clarify my earlier (more brief) remarks. I want make sure that I am not promulgating misinformation using Jentz' and Doyle's names. Suffice to say, I will surely be buying one of these kits! :-)