It is indeed Italeri´s church window ruin! It looks good after a lot of work to the back. For those of you who have never used these ... dont! The are hollow at the back and need to be blocked up. I stuck each part down onto 1mm plastic card and then cut out around the shape. Taking lots of care to to try to have whatever detail that was on the winow and walls carry through to the backing! I used some putty here and there, but mostly over-glued it and trimmed it of with a knife. I added some sand over the broken wall parts for more texture and to hide the joint as well. this where most work went into the model!
The samll picture frames are bought from IKEA ... 3 for $1. I filled up from glass to frame height with the centre of a used meat tray!. The walls were stuck to the wooden parts with superglue and to the tray with hot glue! I then made the ground with some spackel from a tube. I covered this with static grass on the outside. Then i drilled some holes and add brush bristles for longer grass. The stones on the back side were to hide the plainess of the plastic card and also as rubble. I have a pre-cast form for bricks that are too big for 1/35 but broken uo are perfect for this. I built up the back with the same meat tray material, covered in the same spackel and added the bricks. When this was dry I covered in white glue and sand. This whole thing was then sprayed black from an aerosol can.
I drybrushed the building first with Humbrol dark grey, then lighter with light grey anf then finally gull grey or camo grey... cant remember but very light anyway! On the inside I used dark gray and medium grey. No washes at all. I used a dampened q-tip with humbrol enamel thinner to blend in the colours to each other! The rubble was painted in a mix of these two ways. The grass was firstly soaked with humbrol dark green and drybrushed with grass green. The timber was varius balsa wood bits, stained with burnt sienna and then set of fire. These were glued to the top of the stones and then I used pastels for the first time to blend them into the rubble. I was very pleased with the result of this as it looked very false before blending in with the pastels. I used white and black only, mixing up to achieve variuos shades of grey as well. I then painted all top areas with humbrol flat coat and blew microballoons all over. i then roughly masked of the walls and sprayed the ground area with citadel varnish. I then poured microballoons over again. I srayed agin with the varnish and repeated twice as the varnish blew away a lot of the MBs. I liked the result after this.
The figure was totally painted with humbrols. Sprayed black. Drybrushed white. Face got a glaze of burnt sienna (oil paint) and the uniform got a glaze of light grey. Then i drybrushed white again for uniform and a skin mixture for the face. Glazed and drybrushed once more getting lighter each time. (the Calvin Tan method). I think that covers the process. Ask if you have any questions or i have left something out!
I made 2 dios at the same. I had Italeris door and window ruin and i had DML sniper set. This dio will have the spotter included the next time you see it. I have also made the door dio with the other sniper pair and made it a spring/autumn setting. This is nearly complete and will be posted shortly! Im calling it "Creeping Death" so the pair have their names from a similar source as well! Stay tuned!
Thank you all for your kind words! I think I can speak for us all and say it was a pleasure to be involved in this project and i am looking forward to the next!