Wow, Andrew -- great job, especially for a first try!.
Nice touch adding the wooden window frames -- it's one of the details some people miss.
You know, this kit is a blast from the past -- probably one of Verlinden's earliest dio kits. It was the first plaster kit I ever bought, back in the early 80s, I think. I built it, painted it and used it as a photo backdrop for many years. It was damaged in a move, but I kept the parts. They were resurrected last year for a Dragon Wagon dio I've been puttering with on and off for about two years. The garden wall was pretty much trashed, but the store/house front and garage are there -- I cut out the single garage door so I could detail the insides of the buildings. I added floors, ceilings (all suitably damaged), wallpaper, etc., as well as extended the interior and exterior walls back with some scratchbuilt bits. I think it holds up well next to some Custom Dioramics buildings I bought recently.