Thank you all for your replies and suggestions. Much appreciated.
I'll start a 'proper' Thread when we start this Group Build, but here are the outlines in short..
Any kit goes,
but the emphasis is on cheaper, but basicaly sound kits. Italeri and Tamiya have been mentioned, as their (older) kits were basicaly sound and accurate models which go together without surgery. People who just start in this hobby may not have the money or knowledge to buy the multi media that we so love, or are plan bewildered by what is on offer today. Just imaging if you have not build a kit before (or your last build was 20 years ago) and you go to the LHS and buy a Dragon kit, because the friendly guy behind the counter tells you it's the bees knees...
The reason behind this is that I would like this group build to concentrate on helping those with limited experience to see and learn first hand how to build a basic kit. The second object is to 'get back to basics' , to show that even a cheap Italeri kit can be turned into a nice model to grace your display. And without the eyesight zapping need for 'working tool clamps'...

Do Aber think I remove the shovel and ax regularly...
I don't play with my 1:35 scale models, I have a 1:16 scale R/C on order for that.. :-) :-) .
This is however not just for 'newbees', I would like people from every skill level to join in, to help and advise. We all have our little areas of 'expertise', and one part of Armorama I love is the readiness of all to share their knowledge.
I would like this group build to run free, meaning that whilst the main idea is to build a standard kit straight from the box, there is nothing wrong with showing occassionaly how a kit can be improved upon by a little bit of 'tweaking'. But please remember, this is primarily meant for those who are not quite sure how to cleann a barrel seam, so lets not get carried away. ( note to self, must not get carried away...

Main objective: Having fun. And helping a few people along the way.
As for a start date. I think we should give this some time to digest, and suggest that we 'Start' in Oktober 2006. That means the holidays are over, and Armoram is getting back to it's 'normal' traffic. It also gives people a change to have a look for that elusive kit to build. I might have a look in my stash for a suitable kit to offer as a prize in a quiz, I just have to think of a fiendisly difficult question to ask.... :_
BTW, I appologise for not replying to individual replies in the thread, all your responses are much valued, but I'm using this thread as a sounding board, and on top of that my work situation has gone a bit hectic lately.