Thanks guys.
Here is a link to build pics:
CLICK ME! I am sure there are other ways to do wood tones and grains, but this is the way I have become comfortable with, it is as follows:
1. Using a flesh tone from Vallejo - any of the 6 or 7 will do, paint the wooden parts. Its ok to use different base tones to give some variation.

2. Take some burnt umber oil paint and squeeze some out on some cardboard to soak up exess linseed oil. Then apply this thickly to the wood areas.

3. Let set 20 minutes. Then with a flat brush just damp in turpeniod stroke the wood part along the grain. Be gentle don't wipe it clean! clean brush and repeat. It may take 4-5 passes to get it right. Make sure to clean and dry the brush between each pass! It should look like this!