yes , a very nice rather rare version of the ol' girl. But, aren't the headlight guards abit too thick? They don't even resemble wire.. they look more like flatiron.
am i the only one that sees this? Not to take anything away from the build Dave , but thats the first thing i look at on the old CCKW. You know, it's like looking at a look right at the eyes first.
EDIT: Oh crap, this is 1/72nd? oh 1/35th? someone set me and everyone elso on the site straight on the friggin scale please.
Why on earth isn't there anywhere in this review the mention of what the scale is for this? Heller makes both sizes. Are we supposed to just know this? It would be very informative if the scale of a build was mention atleast somewhere in the thread.
So, i guess if it is 72nd that would mean that the light guards should be scratched from smaller wire.
kevin, again