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Posted: Sunday, September 17, 2006 - 02:29 PM UTC
Hello everyone! I know i don´t build tanks( yet- but you guys have a bad influence on me-he he) but we all build in the same scale and try to get the right busy feel.I build helicopters and want to learn the art of building figures; pilots,crew men etc..But were do i start and were can i attain info about crew kit regarding ryssian heli crews anyone?
How do i start with poses etc..I´ve been looking at many guys on the site and i want to learn everything from building to painting figures.
And one other thing; anyone know anything about this etching system i read about that you can by and make etchingsat home-is it any good-is it difficult to learn?
This site is a true delight to be a part of!
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Barcelona, Spain / España
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Posted: Sunday, September 17, 2006 - 04:02 PM UTC
Hi Ted,

Regarding figures, you'd better watch the Historicus forma branch.
Markus is implementing an how to to sculpt your own figures.
Really interesting !!
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Croatia Hrvatska
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Posted: Sunday, September 17, 2006 - 07:23 PM UTC

Quoted Text

But were do i start and were can i attain info about crew kit regarding ryssian heli crews anyone?

Hi there... I know Blast Models made Modern Russian Helo Crewman in 1/35 scale.
Check it out here: Helo Pilot

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Texas, United States
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Posted: Sunday, September 17, 2006 - 09:21 PM UTC
Tjena Ted!

Kul att se att du har intresse för att skulptera!

Kolla även dom här sidorna som är enbart figurer!



Dom specialiserar sig på figurer och har några av världens bästa figur folk som är aktiva.
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Posted: Sunday, September 17, 2006 - 11:11 PM UTC
Bang on target Mario-thanks! iám not sure about the figure it self; looked kind of wonky, but i sure can use the head/helmet-anyway once again thanks man
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Posted: Sunday, September 17, 2006 - 11:28 PM UTC
Thanks julien for the input, (ca va?)haven´t had the time to look properly( iám working) But i will surely look into it when i come home..either way perhaps we can contiue having a discussion about the subject when i have a leave in October..
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Posted: Sunday, September 17, 2006 - 11:36 PM UTC
Anders! En landsfrände eller?
Hursom helst; tack för infon- sliter mitt hår här, måste uppdatera mitt byggande, men har ingen kunskap i ämnet.. Hinner inte studera dina sidor (arbetar för fullt, kommer hem i Oct) Kanske vi fortsätta diskissionen då?
Tack så länge/Ted Wikman
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Monday, September 18, 2006 - 03:01 AM UTC
Tjena Ted,

Visst, äkta Svensk här!

Jag bor iofs i USA och är på väg hem nästa vecka!

Internet har ju inga gränser och ifall du behöver hjälp med skulptering så hjälper jag gjärna, det är det ända jag gjör!

Var pluggar du?

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Posted: Monday, September 18, 2006 - 01:26 PM UTC
Tjenare Anders! Ja.jag läste din Bio-Hm, sprang jag på hög vinsten,he he
skämt å sido- det är oss verkligen få förunnat att arbeta med sin dröm/hobby-även om vägen ditt kan vara lång och krokig( segerns söttma är ju desto ljuvligare efter hårt arbete) Ja ang mina studier som vet du säkert redan, finns det lika många vägar som blivande förmågor. Jag var på väg till U.S.A när det small i New york 20010911 och kände att en karriär over seas både var tveksam som dramatisk och farlig.. Det har inte funnits några andra alternativ än att bekosta utbildningen själv, så även om Sverige är relativt dyrt, fann jag denna väg vara den säkraste och minst kompliserade för mig.
Jag har jobbat/sparat i 12 år och läst på Bromma(Lidair) sedan 2004 med studie stop för att tjäna pengar; räknar med en sammanlagd summa på 980.000Sek- har ca 25h kvar och 200.000Sek att betala.
Efter avslutande studier tänkte jag köpa ett first officer program ngn gång nästa år och gå med i en sk pilotpool- även om det är tufft och tar frustrerande lång tid, så är det det roligaste jag gjort i mitt liv!
När började du med det du gör? flyttade du ditt pga jobbet?
Är mycket villig att lära av dig- Inget ont om branshen, men jag tycker sällan att det är värt att köpa figurer då tillverkarna oftast inte tycks besitta orken att skapa jämn kvalitet över hela spectrumet( en hel figur) och varför ska jag betala dyra pengar för ngt som jag inte är nöjd med och måste göra om när jag kan skapa själv (i framtiden menar jag - he eh)
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Croatia Hrvatska
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Posted: Monday, September 18, 2006 - 02:11 PM UTC

Quoted Text

Bang on target Mario-thanks! iám not sure about the figure it self; looked kind of wonky, but i sure can use the head/helmet-anyway once again thanks man

Well, I have some Blast figures and I can really recommend them to you... great details!

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Posted: Monday, September 18, 2006 - 03:47 PM UTC
Thanks man for the concern! Love your work by the way-but i can´t really see it that well on this old lap top i use at work now:(
You see, what i am trying to make here is a diorama of an ex Yogoslavian Mil-8 that went to Africa 199-? ( a friend of mine told me this story, so i wanted to make an exciting display of it) I know the camouflage isen´t right, but bin that! I need two pilots;one sitting on the jumpseat studying maps, having a brew,the other together with the crewchief loading and securing kit in the forward cargo comp.
What more,i need eight mercenarys ,cleaning weapons and eating scoff;-2-3 of them sitting on the rearward cargofloor and the rest on crates just outside(terrain is savann and the display base is about 10 cm around following the contout of the fuselage) I don´t know what clothes they wore, weapons they used or any other kit for that matter- but the biggest problem of all is how do i make this work with no experience? I want the poses to look realistic and teh sceen to look alive..
once again thanks
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Croatia Hrvatska
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Posted: Monday, September 18, 2006 - 07:31 PM UTC
Quite a project you have there... good luck with it. Keep us posted on the progress.


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Posted: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 - 01:44 PM UTC
I will man!
One last question before i stop my nagging and drivel about this; i understand that one can by pre made heads,Hands and boots, kits in general like weapons and coke cans etc.which brand/s would you recommend?
Once again, thanks for the help!!
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Croatia Hrvatska
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Posted: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 - 02:45 PM UTC
Well I can definately recommend Hornet heads; they are wonderfull. I also have some Warrior heads and those look good too... I think both manufacturers also have hand sets, but I haven't seen those in person.

As for the equipment, you have to be more specific; if you need guns then I guess DML weapon series (M16, AK47 etc) are the solution. Coke cans and other accessories... well there are number of different sets around. I know Accurate Armor makes some really nice bottles in clear resin as well as cans with various labels.

Hope it helps,
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Posted: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 - 09:59 AM UTC
Ted, your project sounds very interesting. Look forward to pix as you get going. Please visit Historicus Forma too, as there's lots of info you'd find useful.