Thanks man for the concern! Love your work by the way-but i can´t really see it that well on this old lap top i use at work now:(
You see, what i am trying to make here is a diorama of an ex Yogoslavian Mil-8 that went to Africa 199-? ( a friend of mine told me this story, so i wanted to make an exciting display of it) I know the camouflage isen´t right, but bin that! I need two pilots;one sitting on the jumpseat studying maps, having a brew,the other together with the crewchief loading and securing kit in the forward cargo comp.
What more,i need eight mercenarys ,cleaning weapons and eating scoff;-2-3 of them sitting on the rearward cargofloor and the rest on crates just outside(terrain is savann and the display base is about 10 cm around following the contout of the fuselage) I don´t know what clothes they wore, weapons they used or any other kit for that matter- but the biggest problem of all is how do i make this work with no experience? I want the poses to look realistic and teh sceen to look alive..
once again thanks