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Academy's Tiger 1 (Early)
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Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 09, 2003 - 11:25 AM UTC
I have just completed Academy’s Early Tiger 1.

This is my first ever-German vehicle and is dedicated to SS-74 aka Dave Tong, my good friend from Hong Kong, and number two Pig in the Sty.

Dave continuously ribs me about my “U.S. Armor only fetish”, (he can’t stand olive drab), and ordered me to complete at least one German vehicle as an initiation into the Sty.

So here goes. As a novice German armor builder, this is a nice kit to start with. The fit of the model is tight, with absolutely no flash on the parts off the sprues. I felt the directions could have been a little more helpful. The layered multi wheel suspension can be tricky if its new to the modeler, and the placement of a few of the smaller hull parts could have been better explained, but, there are enough box art photos to get through. I like the clean boxy front hull view of the Tiger, so I decided not to put the spare tracks across the front plate.

There are some issues with what I’m showing here. I misplaced a small unit designation decal on the front hull, tried to move it, but Solvaset had already done its work, and it came apart.

I also over weathered the Tiger. My intention was to show a vehicle that’s been down, dirty, and in the thick of it, but I originally applied way too much dark paint across the rear engine deck, (to show the effects of a tank engine that’s been worked pretty hard, for a long time). I had a disaster on my hands, but attempted to softened the impact by drybrushing with the base dunkelgelb, some various browns, steel, and rust. I should have followed the less is always better tip on weathering.

I would appreciate any helpful comments.
Ps: (time to get back to U.S. armor and olive drab)

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Oklahoma, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 09, 2003 - 11:52 AM UTC
You did a very nice job on the Tiger even with the problems you had. I can def. tell you normally build allied stuff though with the finish looking more towards a Sherman's than a Tiger. Overall, a very good looking piece.
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Posted: Sunday, February 09, 2003 - 01:11 PM UTC
That is one very pretty kitty Steve! Dave will be tickled pink when he sees this! I like the finish and weathering you did on this big hunk of iron. And it's got your trademark subtle weathering too!

One thing though: you might have to find a way to make those tracks sag.
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Vatican City
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Posted: Sunday, February 09, 2003 - 01:31 PM UTC
Steve WWH,

Thank you for your Tiger. I feel so honoured. From what I see, I really love the 712, it looked great. I especially like what you had done to the 88mm, looked very very realistic.

Overall, it's a very very nice Tiger, and no one could tell that this is your first German Armor.

S33 would be very proud in the company of the 712.

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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 09, 2003 - 02:39 PM UTC
Steve nice tiger, I hope it fares well where it's going!!! stug
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Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, February 09, 2003 - 02:49 PM UTC
Olive Drab!!!!.....what's wrong with Olive Drab?
Might just make the Tiger more appealing to some of us.

All kidding aside.

Nice job on the Tiger the Steve. Did you use pencil lead in the weathering process or just dry brushing?

Keep up the good work.
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Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 09, 2003 - 03:03 PM UTC
Guys, thanks for the kind comments.

Jeep, you are right, ----I had glued down the track near the front sprocket with ca, but I see it has let go, (and that unfortunately shows in the photo)--oops!!!!------off to the repair shop!

ShermanFreak--for the tracks, I shot them overall with roof brown, then washed with thinned light colored mud, with a final dry brush of steel/silver.

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Indiana, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 09, 2003 - 06:32 PM UTC
Looks good
I like the paint job... looks very realistic in my opinion. Might not be ambush camo, but still VERY nice

I like the way the tracks look... Again very realistic paint job.
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Indiana, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 09, 2003 - 06:36 PM UTC
Looks good
I like the paint job... looks very realistic in my opinion. Might not be ambush camo, but still VERY nice

I like the way the tracks look... Again very realistic paint job.
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Posted: Sunday, February 09, 2003 - 09:18 PM UTC
WWH - This is pretty cool only problem I can see is that is looking better than mine

Seriously, I think the weathering looks fine and I don't see a problem with the rear deck, it looks pretty good. I'm not really in a position to be picky, but... wouldn't the spare track links on the turret be rusty? They probably wouldn't have been painted and I would have thought they would have gotten pretty rusted. Then again I'm only guessing. Maybe they are rusty, and the pics just don't do it justice.

Otherwise I like the weathering around the hatches, and the main gun is good too.

I certainly have got my work cut out to match this - well done.

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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Monday, February 10, 2003 - 01:20 AM UTC
WWH--Looks really good to me. The only thing that I would say is that next time maybe don't put so much discoloration on the gun barrel. If you look at photos there is never that much discoloration at the end of the gun barrel from firing. To get the barrel to look like that they would probably have to fire continuously for a few hours. Most engagements were short and then that soot would be removed through a combination of the elements and getting brushed off by foliage while the tank was moving. Other than that (and the floating track), she looks good (or as good as a Tiger can look as I'm sure you'll agree ). I especially like the shovel on the front. The wood and steel colors look very realistic. Good Job.
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Posted: Monday, February 10, 2003 - 01:25 PM UTC
I think it looks good - haven't built a Tiger tank yet. What make paint did you use for the dark yellow?
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Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Monday, February 10, 2003 - 01:54 PM UTC

The base coat is Model Master Panzer Dunkelgelb 1943 acryl. It went on beautifully (unthinned), right out of the bottle, ---really good, clean coverage. Thanks for your comment.

Fav- I did lightly shoot some light rust on the hanging track links, but you are probably right, with as weathered as the rest of the vehicle is, I probably should have hit those spare links a little heavier. Thanks for comments guys.
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Hong Kong S.A.R. / 繁體
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Posted: Saturday, February 15, 2003 - 02:27 AM UTC

Hey, your Tiger really scares Davidus's away! You have done a great paint job for it. Did you add any PE or AF to it? cause I dun see any. I think we dun need any AF parts for it.

Steve, Sushi and Pig#6
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Sao Paulo, Brazil
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Posted: Saturday, February 15, 2003 - 04:46 AM UTC

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Singapore / 新加坡
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Posted: Saturday, February 15, 2003 - 05:15 AM UTC
Nice Tiger! Nice weathering on the tank......... I did the same kit some time back and mine looks no where as good as yours! Great job!
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Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Saturday, February 15, 2003 - 06:25 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Did you add any PE or AF to it? cause I dun see any.

Steve-O aka Sushi, this one is straight out of the box Steve, with no aftermarket additions. I have not yet developed the pe skills that you have pal, but I'm working on it .

Sniper and Bastruk, I appreciate you taking time to comment--many thanks

ps: Sushi, when are we going to see you and Da Jeepster back in the chat room??
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Wyoming, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 16, 2003 - 03:07 AM UTC
i think it looks great, very nice work

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Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 16, 2003 - 10:26 AM UTC
Looks great..... makes me want to run to the closet and find mine and start it.........
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Maine, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 16, 2003 - 12:25 PM UTC
I'm knocked out... Beautiful job! i don't see anything wrong with the back deck, and I really like the weathering around the hatches; Only thing I would suggest is a bit of a darker wash where the hatches seal with the turret, kinda hard to see any real definition between the two, but it might just be the photos... A heartfelt "Oinks Up" to ya... :-)
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Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Friday, February 28, 2003 - 01:07 PM UTC
Gunner--I agree--- a dark wash will be applied to bring out the detail on the turret hatches--good catch -- and thanks to all the others for your helpful comments.

Steve aka WeWillHold
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Oklahoma, United States
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Posted: Sunday, March 02, 2003 - 12:05 AM UTC
Yes again great job. God with all these great models in here I am wearing the word out need to get a dictionary so I won't have to use the same word over and over.
Good job