Looking good there Selrach...
I guess dark grey is one of the most difficult paint schemes there are. I bet itīs hard to dig up details. Drybrushing looks quite heavy and that catches the eye first. Maybe some more weathering will change that. I think itīs a good idea to add some mud or dust in the lower hull area. That would give the grey surface some colour variation.
The wooden plank looks a bit too clean and bright, perhaps add some pastels or thinned oils along with weathering? And the tracks could use some rust... :-)
You can find those figures from many manufacturers. I have a Tamiya tank crew set and itīs quite pretty. I think most of those kits include a commander figure in the cupola...
How did you paint this piece? Looks like preshading of some kind...
How was the build, do you recommend this kit? If I keep on building Finnish subjects I will run into this model sooner or later so itīs nice to see how this turns out...
Nice job! Canīt wait to see the finished pics!