Military figures of all shapes and sizes.
East German figures
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Arizona, United States
Joined: November 17, 2002
KitMaker: 347 posts
Armorama: 223 posts
Posted: Monday, November 13, 2006 - 02:17 AM UTC
Hey guys,

Got a vehicles I want to do as an Esat german and wanted some figures to go along with it and was looking at the ICM East German figures but could not find a pictures of the actual models and as I have never bought any was hoping someone here could fill me in on the quality, are they worth the money? they up to par with lets say DML figures?
I was thinking of using these just with the Hornet E. German heads.

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California, United States
Joined: September 01, 2006
KitMaker: 123 posts
Armorama: 107 posts
Posted: Monday, November 13, 2006 - 01:47 PM UTC
Thomas- The ICM figures aren,t half bad. Not as good as DML, but the figures will work. When it comes down to East German figures there isn,t much out there. Cheers-


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Sri Lanka
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Posted: Monday, November 13, 2006 - 03:15 PM UTC
Ypu could also try using DML's Afghan war Spetsnaz figs.
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England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
Joined: October 09, 2005
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Posted: Monday, November 13, 2006 - 09:01 PM UTC
I cant comment on those motor rifles but I bought an set of DML Spetsnaz, under the Italeri name, and they were dreadful. ICM figures are actually not too bad and the detail is usually quite crisp and nice. East German uniforms didnt actually differ to much from the ww2 unifroms so you could have a go at converting some WW2 germans. Also Hornet does a really ncie East German figure in white metal.
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Arizona, United States
Joined: November 17, 2002
KitMaker: 347 posts
Armorama: 223 posts
Posted: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 - 07:34 AM UTC
Thanks for the info guys.
Yes I have that figure from Hornet as well as the head sets but as I need more than one I was looking around for good figures,but if the ICM figures are ok and with the hornet heads and a little work they might be what I need.