Some progress on the Bedford QLD GS (Special) I hope. SMT and Spurlings were contracted to produce 2000 assorted vehicles. At least 10 of these were what was known as 'US Type Steel'. They had a flat steel bed with no wheelboxes and steel sides I believe ,much like the fore runner of the more modern version I've hopped off and onto a few times. This is my attempt at one.

Some update pictures on the 15cwt Radio Truck in the cold light of day, so to speak.

The 15 cwt RT truck has been re-badged and both vehicles now represent support elements of 151st (Ayrshire Yeomanry) Field Regiment RA (TA) one of the RA Regiments that provided artillery support for 11th Armd Div. They were equipted with 25pdr towed Fd Guns so the third vehicle will probably be a Chevrolet Gun Tractor.
Changing the unit designation alters a little the time frame for Pier 51, as forward elements of 11th Arms Div arrived in Normandy on the 9th June with the remainder of the division arriving by the 23rd June.
This is not a problem but does open up the possibility of some German Prisioners in the dio!!!
There is the possibility of a 4th truck but parked on the pier itself. This might be an RN 15cwt or alternatively another Bedford QLD. I have the chassis and load tray built for a second vehicle, a wooden one this time but am awaiting some more plastic strip and the top part of the cab.
For a bit of interest I though I might have one of the vehicles towing a Fuel/Water Bowser. I have the Belik kit but I need to ask a few questions. Is it in fact a Fuel Tank Trailer or is it a Water Bowser??? Is it correct for the time period ie June 1944 or is it a much later development?
Here's a few pics:

Finally here's a few pics of the vehicles together with a figure for scale:

No load has been set for the QLD, I might simply close the back up or more likely add a figure leaning on the tailgate with the impression of some stores behind him, sort of emerging from under the trarp.