thanks for the comments guys.
I'll have to look at those brackets and see if it's something I think I can make Richard, thanks for pointing that out. I'm probably going to use one of the markings from the box although I'm not sure yet just which one. You are so right about the fit, this is one of the best fitting kits I've ever built....the other being the Tamiya Marder III released a few years ago.
Roger, if that Italeri kit you have is the same basic one as their Bergetiger, it can come out very nice also. I took my Bergetiger to Atlanta Model Expo because my girlfriend likes the camo and ended up placing second in my category. I thought it came out ok, but never thought it would win anything.
Jeff, nope I usually try to make the kit barrels look decent, if that fails, I'll go AM, but I can usually be pretty happy with the stock units.
Martin, I nearly forgot about the engine screens, they are Tamiya issue also but technically aftermarket. By the way, the package says they only fit mid and late models but they fit fine on the initial. Maybe they're not absolutely correct but oh well. I'd take a photo tonight of all the models in painting stage but they're not all here. My spray booth is across town and some are there but the list goes like this: Elephant (primered w/ partial base color), Panzer II d (primer only), Wespe (partially base colored), Hetzer (camo'd), E-100 ( base colored only), and now the Tiger and an M-88 on the way. Sucks having to drive across town to paint but I just don't have the room here for my paint booth.