Hello all you.
First all, thank you very much for the coments about Adam's works, beacuse I saw how he worked very hard with it and how proud he felt to make something really "american".
The sense and sould of this project was easy: To make something that we saw in some photos and we wanted to make something similar.
So...we make the master and Adam painted. Adam wanted to paint it in a way to tribute to the Special Forces guys, and this is why the look is really nice and clean (If I paint it surelly I will fill with rust, chips and the flag damaged!!!!
But I am not the most apropiated to do that, because I don't know very well the american philisophy and ethic ways about this kind of subjects.
But waht I knew is the big importance of the US flag, and what I can say is that we treated it with the maximun respect and love.
Adam forced me to take information from internet and he teached me even the history of the flag.
We thought that could be very important to make a great flag and we done our best. I am very sorry if the position of the flag offend to some one, and I pologice for that, but this is something that we just copied form a photo (as you can see)....made by US people, and surely they make it with good intentions and big respect.
Our duty like modellers is to represent the reality without offend to the people.
I thought and I think that this model was a good example of this. Anyway, Adam is american, and I can tell you for sure that he don't allow to anyone in Europe to say any bad thing about his country!!
We always make jokes telling him that he is a American Spy that try to convert Spain in the 51th State of the US.
MIG Jimenez