Armor/AFV: Vietnam
All things Vietnam
Hosted by Darren Baker
Vietnam era Arty-Barge's - take a look
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Colorado, United States
Joined: January 12, 2002
KitMaker: 5,000 posts
Armorama: 2,868 posts
Posted: Friday, March 30, 2007 - 06:49 AM UTC
Howdy Mark

Sorry to hear your modeling efforts are suppressed at the moment { I can identify} but I am more happy to see you stopping by and still checkin' us out.

Our good MATT, as you can see, is doing his usual bang-up job of investigatiing the subject and is apparently exercising efforts to coax whatever technical information the U.S. Navy officially has in this regard.

Now, to answer your question about my P-Series pontoon barge build, I must confess that I still do not possess at the moment the means with which to take and/or post photos.....I will try to fix this, but at the moment, I am still 'strapped'.
But, for the record, I have indeed already constructed 3 of the 6 pontoons of my 6 X 18 pontoon configuration in 1/35th scale. AND, more importantly {for me}, I have done so with absolutely NO monetary investment whatsoever!..........

Enough of my rants and rambles........
