I'm back after a long period not posting here of which the reason was suddenly solved last weekend.
For a campaign on the Dutch section I'm working on a diorama of 2 kids who are tormenting a few german officers.. A better idea of that story would be in this quick sketch that I made.

I was looking around for Diorama accesories manufacturers to see if they had stuff in their assortment and actually non of the liftbridges they had were Accurate or complete to make them working and almost all were mostly suitable for in a City environment and not rural liek I wanted. So scratchbuilding was my only option. The big beams are from a couple of Fireworks rockets that I found two years ago in my backyard after new years eve. And all the rest is just copperwire. Metalwire, Evergeen plastic, And balsawood.
I will show the whole progress here as I made a lot of pictures during the built from nothing to product ready for primer.
Ok Enough talk are you ready for a huge load of pics?

Oh by the way this is a picture from 1920 of a bridge that still exists in a village very close to where I live. No military significance although it is a striking resemblance to my sketch as I later foudn out..(Made the sketch earlier then I found the pic... The pic from the point I found it served as a guideline for my diorama.

Ok more progress on the bridge

The german Embankment

The bridge taking the shape of a.... Bridge

Some closeups of the Hinge and the lifting rod

A working bridge

Bridge and Embankment together

And the bridge ready for primer

To show you guys the size of this bridge I placed a Panzer IB ladungsleger that I scratchbuilt a while ago

As usual I'm really curious what you guys think of it.
With friendly greetz
Robert Blokker