Here is my 2 pennies:
1) Why are there members here that don't sign up for the campaigns?
I think there are a number of reasons:
-Not enough time due to life outside of modelling(work, kids, girlfriends, wives, mistresses, Harleys)
-I think a large majority of people just use this site as a reference point for answering the things that are stumping them in modelling. While this sounds like an obvious statement, I feel that many guys dont want restrictions on how they build a model(time, restraints) which is why they dont sign up. I also feel that to a new user, jumping into a campaign can be a complex challenge.
-Technologically challenged--Many people can navigate around the net but lack the computer savvy to successfully integrate themselves into the campaigns. i.e...posting links, posting pics, setting up photobucket accounts and things similar in nature.
-While there is a distinct gap between amateur, intermediate and expert modellers--I'm not sure this affects everyone's decision to join a campaign.
2) Do you have any ideas on how we can make campaigns more appealing?
-I think a campaign procedure should be established for all five sites. Some of the things I think should be addresses are as follows:
-Determine total number of campaigns to be run in a 6 month time frame.
This could range from 5 to 7 campaigns . I think there should be campaigns for the major periods of war. As an example(World War 1, World War2, Korean War, Cold war era and present(1980-present)) Members could submit their ideas in each category about 3 months ahead (in October for January start and in April for a July start). After a month of campaign submittals, the next month would be the voting time frame, then the month ahead of the campaign start can be used to set up all things necessary prior to get the campaign rolling(Post it in campaign area, set up folders, etc...). If one of the campaign areas is lacking interest(for example world war 1), then another campaign idea from one of the other four categories could be used(highest voted campaign left after establishing the winners for the other four campaigns). It might be good to set up a 6th campaign strictly for amateur modelers who would feel more comfortable not competing with those who would be considered advanced. Finally--establish a 7th campaign for a 12 month build for all skills(Jan thru Dec).
-A system should be worked out based upon voting that would set up more campaigns in areas where people like to build. For example, if there are twice as many modellers who like to build WW2 than any other subject, then allocate 2 campaigns per 6 month time frame in the WW2 category. This would effectively reduce the campaign subjects to 3 or 4 but there would still be 5 campaigns running with a larger group of people involved. For instance, in airplane models I am strictly a WW2 builder, I probably would never enlist for any of the other campaigns being offered. If the only WW2 campaign is something I am not happy with then I become one less person that will be involved for that 6 month time frame. I think this is another reason why campaigns may be lacking people and also why so many guys want to establish group builds running in tandem with the campaigns.
3) What do you look for in a campaign before signing up for it?
-Subject matter, the time frame and era of the build and can I get(or do I have the model). I would prefer to use from the stash versus going out and buying more stuff-lol
4) What would you like to see for future campaigns?
-In general, a better organization of the campaign system. It would be nice if one of the staffers could type up a step by step on How to submit a campaign and a step by step on how to run a campaign. Tack up those things in the campaign area somewhere. I also think it would be nice to have something on how to start threads, post pics in them etc...(in association with a campaign of course). Should we post progress pics in the official thread? These things are easy to the veterans of this website but more difficult for people who are relatively new to it.
5) What is it that you DON'T like about the way campaigns are conducted?
People who let campaigns die and leave builders hanging. I think all campaigns should have a mandatory two leader system. One person runs the campaign while the second in command helps the leader. If one of the guys cannot continue then another person must be obtained immediately. I think this would keep the campaigns more active.
I like this site and its satellites and feel that the staff does a great job of making it run. Everything I stated above is just an opinion and is not meant to be negative toward the site or to anyone reading it. Hopefully it makes sense.
Where Armorama group builds can be discussed, organized, and updates posted.
Where Armorama group builds can be discussed, organized, and updates posted.
Hosted by Darren Baker, Richard S.
Suggestions / Feedback to Improve Campaigns
Ohio, United States
Joined: April 20, 2004
KitMaker: 215 posts
Armorama: 57 posts
Joined: April 20, 2004
KitMaker: 215 posts
Armorama: 57 posts
Posted: Saturday, February 24, 2007 - 05:09 AM UTC
Illinois, United States
Joined: February 10, 2004
KitMaker: 2,058 posts
Armorama: 791 posts
Joined: February 10, 2004
KitMaker: 2,058 posts
Armorama: 791 posts
Posted: Saturday, February 24, 2007 - 05:33 AM UTC
Jeez, a lot of good questions.
1) I'd have to agree with "subject". There's a bunch of campaigns I won't sign up for just because I don't get into the subject matter.
2) meh.
3) Subject matter.
4) A yearly T2K Campaign. THAT'S what I want. I always sign up. I don't always finish, but, that's okay. It's MY subject right there. THAT'S what I build all the time.
5) I'm going to agree with Robin and say Phantom Leaders. I post because I want feedback. If the leader of the campaign doesn't want to see MY work in HIS campaign, he shouldn't start it. Also feedback from other campaign members is very morale-boosting. I try, myself, to post on all my fellow campaigner's WIP posts. It makes it feel like I'm not the only one in the campaign.
That's my imput,
Colorado, United States
Joined: December 25, 2004
KitMaker: 3,770 posts
Armorama: 2,263 posts
Joined: December 25, 2004
KitMaker: 3,770 posts
Armorama: 2,263 posts
Posted: Saturday, February 24, 2007 - 06:05 AM UTC
I honestly have to "ditto" most of the replies to your questions as I truly believe that they communicate some of the fundamentals regarding campaigns in general.
Question 1 has aptly been addressed. But, one additional comment; the Campaign Leader needs, no, MUST, be very concise in their rules and regulations. How many times have you perused a campaign proposal and seen so many questions from prospective enlistee’s about the validity of their desired model? Just about EVERY campaign goes through this. Folks, lay it out plain and simple; reduce the questionability of a potential entry.
Question 2: Do you have any ideas on how we can make campaigns more appealing?
Here are a couple of observations, as I have only been involved in only two campaigns. The Campaign Leader (CL) involvement is critical! If the CL is really “into” the subject, the campaign is going to be FUN, productive, and enjoyable by all! He or she will actively be providing input, guidance, and comments….both good and bad. The other piece of this is topic knowledge. The CL needs to at least have an above basic understanding of the campaign topic. As an example; I don’t know squat about aircraft – I’d never try to be a CL for anything AC related. I may join the campaign as a “twist” to the normal…but….
Question 3 has aptly been addressed.
Question 4 really is wide open. What would I like to see? Another Russian tank campaign, a wheeled vehicle campaign (Move It 3?), Artillery Up! 2, and perhaps a couple of others...I’m getting to like the “What If’s” that are out there.
Question 5: CL’s that are NOT prepared to lead or supervise their campaigns. Once you’ve been put into the position of CL, there are a lot of responsibilities! A CL can not “ghost it.” Being a CL really IS a commitment. One must be there for the “enlistee’s” and the campaign.
Another note to this; the individual that proposes a campaign needs to do their homework. I’ll use Artillery as an example; I would never have thought that a StuG was an artillery piece….I always thought it was a tank. Doh! See what I mean? I know U.S. modern Artillery (1980s to current)….but throw in WWI or WWII….U. S., German, Russian…..I’d have a bit of homework to do.
One other thing: Stickying the "Active" campaign "Official Threads" is flippin' excellent! I may be wrong, but my assumption of the "Official" threads is to, 1) tell us you're enlisting and with what, 2) show your final "product" to close out the fact you've finished....this makes it MUCH easier for a CL to ensure he or she has you down as having completed the requirements.
I also believe that, as a campaign participant, I should start my own thread under "Campaigns" using something like (as an example) "CAMPAIGN NAME", "SUBJECT", "USER NAME".....such as: Arty Up! WWI 75mm TacFireGuru...quickly and obviously shows the Campaign, topic, and submitter. Makes it much easier for the CL to monitor what's up.
I hope this input helps some.
I honestly have to "ditto" most of the replies to your questions as I truly believe that they communicate some of the fundamentals regarding campaigns in general.
Question 1 has aptly been addressed. But, one additional comment; the Campaign Leader needs, no, MUST, be very concise in their rules and regulations. How many times have you perused a campaign proposal and seen so many questions from prospective enlistee’s about the validity of their desired model? Just about EVERY campaign goes through this. Folks, lay it out plain and simple; reduce the questionability of a potential entry.
Question 2: Do you have any ideas on how we can make campaigns more appealing?
Here are a couple of observations, as I have only been involved in only two campaigns. The Campaign Leader (CL) involvement is critical! If the CL is really “into” the subject, the campaign is going to be FUN, productive, and enjoyable by all! He or she will actively be providing input, guidance, and comments….both good and bad. The other piece of this is topic knowledge. The CL needs to at least have an above basic understanding of the campaign topic. As an example; I don’t know squat about aircraft – I’d never try to be a CL for anything AC related. I may join the campaign as a “twist” to the normal…but….
Question 3 has aptly been addressed.
Question 4 really is wide open. What would I like to see? Another Russian tank campaign, a wheeled vehicle campaign (Move It 3?), Artillery Up! 2, and perhaps a couple of others...I’m getting to like the “What If’s” that are out there.
Question 5: CL’s that are NOT prepared to lead or supervise their campaigns. Once you’ve been put into the position of CL, there are a lot of responsibilities! A CL can not “ghost it.” Being a CL really IS a commitment. One must be there for the “enlistee’s” and the campaign.
Another note to this; the individual that proposes a campaign needs to do their homework. I’ll use Artillery as an example; I would never have thought that a StuG was an artillery piece….I always thought it was a tank. Doh! See what I mean? I know U.S. modern Artillery (1980s to current)….but throw in WWI or WWII….U. S., German, Russian…..I’d have a bit of homework to do.
One other thing: Stickying the "Active" campaign "Official Threads" is flippin' excellent! I may be wrong, but my assumption of the "Official" threads is to, 1) tell us you're enlisting and with what, 2) show your final "product" to close out the fact you've finished....this makes it MUCH easier for a CL to ensure he or she has you down as having completed the requirements.
I also believe that, as a campaign participant, I should start my own thread under "Campaigns" using something like (as an example) "CAMPAIGN NAME", "SUBJECT", "USER NAME".....such as: Arty Up! WWI 75mm TacFireGuru...quickly and obviously shows the Campaign, topic, and submitter. Makes it much easier for the CL to monitor what's up.
I hope this input helps some.