Thank you Domi my friend for digging out that old thing, i have a one page long log file with stuff to append, modify, change and erase on this one -contrary to you I am not really good when it comes to bigger sized dioramas
Ondra/Battlefox thanks for your comments too! No leds -and very few digital effects on those pics except for some blur on the wooden base.
The trick to take those pics was this one:
I finished the dio in winter which means that even when the sun was out, only a very feeble light was available in my flat.
So i have a tripod with a digital camera that I can set with the amount of time I want. I used a very small aperture and a long time pose, and then I agitated a grey cardboard sheet behind the diorama so that it is totally blurred on the final picture because of the long time pose
thanks my friends!!