Lookin' pretty good there Andrew, I gather the Rt side headlamp got carried away when the guard bracket got ripped loose? A tip might have been to heat and poke the fender from underneath to represent the sheet metal deformation when the rivets and welds tore loose and maybe a dangling wire poking out someplace along the line. The sheet metal fenders weren't all that thick, they were just to deflect the mud and crud tossed up by the tracks. I always get carried away with the painting and weathering too. Things just seem to flow along and then you get to the point where you remember, oh yeah, those painted on markings got weathered too. It's not a big deal, after you get them on and sealed down with Future or Finish, you get to duplicate all that lovely weathering and rust, made even easier now that you basically have the outlines already there from before. If you use a gloss on top of the decals after they have dried overnight you can have a lot easier time with the black or black/green wash, it will flow a lot better and collect up in the crevices and raised portions a little faster. after you scrub off the excess and it gets nice and dry you can shoot on that old flat finish and carry on with the weathering and dry brushing and other fun stuff.
Like I said, lookin' pretty good can't wait to see it when you're done
Great pics!