Since my Aztek kept clogging, after lots of suffering I decided to clean it out with TriChloreEthylene. This is a strong stain remover and it works wonders to clean up paint, even dry paint. But.
The compressor was switched off and I had cleaned out the handle. Just when I was checking if there were no bits of paint left inside (the nozzle was removed), I accidentally pushed the button. Some extra pressure was still in the system and it squirted a strong jet of this product straight in both my eyes.
This hurt like hell. I mean it HURT like HELL ! Eyes closed, I bolted down the stairs and jumped into the shower with clothes and all, to try to rinse this stuff out of my eyes. The burning stuff in my eyes was a real agony. After 15 mins of shower it still burned a lot, but I adready could open my eyes again and discovered I hadn't lost my eyesight. After another 30 mins of bathing both eyes in a small liquor glass filled with water, I drove to the hospital's ER. They checked my eyes and prescribed antibiotics/costison droplets. I had a horrible night.
This morning, my eyes were stuck together a bit, but after a shower I felt a lot better. I went to the optician for a checkup and he said my eyes should be healed in a week or so.
This whole event scared the willies out of me and the whole family and I decided to throw the stuff out of the house. .
In the fight a bottle of Tamiya painted fell on the carpet, but I was not in the mood to clean up the battle damage when I came home from the hospital. I'll do that tonight. Maybe I can use the rest of the Trichl... to clean out the carpet..

What do YOU guys/gals use to efficiently clean your paint set ?