Dragon MoM competition now open for voting.
Lisboa, Portugal
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Posted: Monday, April 16, 2007 - 07:00 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Can someone please take a moment to explain to this clueless noob how exactly to use this infuriatingly overcomplicated site?
When I click on the link above to view the pictures it takes me to the page full of pictures.
When I click on one of the pictures to enlarge it, instead of getting an enlarged picture I get a reminder that I need to log in ALL OVER AGAIN just to view the enlarged picture. When I click on the "log-in" link it takes me to a log in page. After logging in, instead of taking back to where I was and allowing me access to the enlarged picture I am instead shunted to a "personal page" which means I might as well be lost in cyber space because I now have no clue how to get back from this "personal page" to the picture I was trying to view since I got to the picture in the first place through a link.
Forcing some one to log in all over again, when they are ALREADY LOGGED IN, is stupid enough, but shunting them off to some unkown location after they go through the hassle of logging in again is patently idiotic. The absolute least that should be done is to return them to the location they were at when the additional log in was forced upon them.
The photos area and this site share the same user and password.
However, Armorama seems to hold my authentication (cookie) for a longer period probably just because I come to Armorama more often than I go to the pictures site.
The second part that you describe I cannot replicate because I see the enlarged picture after authenticating again.
The software that powers the Armorama site and the photo gallery is not the same. They are two separate pieces of software that were integrated for the sake of ease of use. Somethings are not perfect but overall having the same userid and pwd is already a try to integrate them and to have a common user database between the two sites.
England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, April 16, 2007 - 10:19 PM UTC
Quoted Text
I thought all the entries had posts in the forums with several pictures of their submission to aid in making a decision, I understand that this will kind of mess up the anonymous part. Or was that in the past?
Hi Darren,
That was my understanding as well, that further pics of the builds would be displayed, but as it's the first run of the new system perhaps that's not set up yet?
'Action this Day'
Winston Spencer Churchill
Associate EditorWarszawa, Poland
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Posted: Monday, April 16, 2007 - 10:59 PM UTC
Duty done!
I thought that there would be more beginners/intermediate entries than advanced
Texas, United States
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Posted: Monday, April 16, 2007 - 11:32 PM UTC
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Quoted Text
I thought all the entries had posts in the forums with several pictures of their submission to aid in making a decision, I understand that this will kind of mess up the anonymous part. Or was that in the past?
Hi Darren,
That was my understanding as well, that further pics of the builds would be displayed, but as it's the first run of the new system perhaps that's not set up yet?
The voter galleries are done with the single photo only. In the past users created threads that allowed them to display additional photos if they wished but that has been discontinued to preserve the anonymity of the entrants. As stated in the rules post by Jim S: "The remaining images will be made available to the judges for their decision making process. In addition to the winning entries, we will select additional entries for publishing at a future date in the OnDisplay category."
England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 - 01:58 AM UTC
Hi Bill,
Thanks for clarifying that.
'Action this Day'
Winston Spencer Churchill
Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 - 02:27 AM UTC
They all look like pro's to me!
Wales, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 - 11:52 PM UTC
Voted......the Pro catagory was much harder to pick one to vote for than the beginner/intermediate one...good luck guys!
Regards from the Swamp
Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 - 01:45 AM UTC
Hey hawkeye you look like me, or do I look like you?
Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 - 03:27 PM UTC
Can anyone tell me if support is actually exists on this site?
Further above in this thread I expressed my exasperation with the site functions or apparently it's malfunctions which prevent me from voting.
The only response I got was from another forum user who pointed out that he isn't experiencing the same problems I am.
In light of the lack of a response from an administrator in this thread I sent a message to support. That was three days ago. I have received no response.
How exactly is one supposed to go about getting the attention of the people who run this site to get them to straighten out a problem?
Lisboa, Portugal
Joined: January 02, 2006
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Posted: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 - 04:41 PM UTC
Let me try to help you there (not being from the staff and running the risk of being considered as nosy)
Try to enter th gallery through this link
http://photos.kitmaker.net/ Then at the top right of the screen you should see Login - Press that link
You'll be sent to a page for logging in on the KitMaker Network.. I believe that the login and pwd is the exact same you have for Armorama I can't recall exactly if I had to register again with the same credentials but I'm pretty sure I didn't)
Enter your login and pwd from Armorama. If successful you'll land on the top page of the gallery.
Choose Armorama -> Contests -> 2007 MOM. There you have the two classes for April.
Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 - 11:22 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Let me try to help you there (not being from the staff and running the risk of being considered as nosy)
Try to enter th gallery through this link
Then at the top right of the screen you should see Login - Press that link
You'll be sent to a page for logging in on the KitMaker Network.. I believe that the login and pwd is the exact same you have for Armorama I can't recall exactly if I had to register again with the same credentials but I'm pretty sure I didn't)
Enter your login and pwd from Armorama. If successful you'll land on the top page of the gallery.
Choose Armorama -> Contests -> 2007 MOM. There you have the two classes for April.
Thank you for attempt at being more helpful than the people running this site, but when I try what you suggest I am shunted to a "personal page" after logging in. If I then return to the gallery and again attempt to access an enlargement of any of the pictures I am again prompted for a log-in that again shunts me to the personal page. I seem to get caught in a recurring loop.
Texas, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 - 11:44 PM UTC
Technical issues of the type you are experiencing are something that has to be dealt with by Jim Starkweather. As editors, we don't have the ability to resolve user issues such as this and Jim was on vacation for several days which would potentially explain the delay in your ticket getting a response. The information provided to you by other users on how to go about logging in and gaining access to the gallery is the same set of information we would have been able to provide to you and so there was no point in repeating the same thing over again. In the future, there's also the PM system for use in communicating problems if the Resolution Center isn't working for you. I'll raise a ticket on your behalf with the information you've provided but please understand that there isn't an army of support personnel operating full time in the background keeping this site running and thus individual issues may take some time to resolve.
Virginia, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 - 11:47 PM UTC
I, too, like the two categories. Good luck to all the entrants.
Florida, United States
Joined: September 27, 2006
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Posted: Thursday, April 19, 2007 - 12:07 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Technical issues of the type you are experiencing are something that has to be dealt with by Jim Starkweather. As editors, we don't have the ability to resolve user issues such as this and Jim was on vacation for several days which would potentially explain the delay in your ticket getting a response. The information provided to you by other users on how to go about logging in and gaining access to the gallery is the same set of information we would have been able to provide to you and so there was no point in repeating the same thing over again. In the future, there's also the PM system for use in communicating problems if the Resolution Center isn't working for you. I'll raise a ticket on your behalf with the information you've provided but please understand that there isn't an army of support personnel operating full time in the background keeping this site running and thus individual issues may take some time to resolve.
Thank you for your explanation. Please note that a timely response like this to my initial expression of exasparation would have gone a long way toward mitigating further expressions of increased exasparation.
Texas, United States
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Posted: Thursday, April 19, 2007 - 12:22 AM UTC
With all due respect, understand that this site is operated by volunteers for the most part and that we all have jobs, families, responsbilities, etc. and that your original post was not one that would typically elicit a staff response. Your original post was a general complaint of frustration about site navigation and did not mention at all the looping issue you outlined today. Site members read your response and tried to help, that's what the community is here for after all. Now that we know it's a technical problem, we can move to address it properly. There's also a specific forum,
User Support for issues such as this to be reported in for faster response in the future vs. posting in an indirectly related thread that may or may not be read by the proper staff members daily.
Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Thursday, April 19, 2007 - 12:40 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Thank you for attempt at being more helpful than the people running this site, but when I try what you suggest I am shunted to a "personal page" after logging in. If I then return to the gallery and again attempt to access an enlargement of any of the pictures I am again prompted for a log-in that again shunts me to the personal page. I seem to get caught in a recurring loop.
Sounds like you're inputting the incorrect password.
Beware the populist demagogues at the head of private armies
Virginia, United States
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Posted: Thursday, April 19, 2007 - 06:03 AM UTC
Did my duty and voted--good luck to all!
ConsigliereFlorida, United States
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Posted: Thursday, April 19, 2007 - 06:53 AM UTC
Cookies expire faster in the gallery than the forums. You also need to log into the gallery separately, if you just log into Armorama.
After you log in to the gallery, and you are directed to your profile page, just click on "PHOTOS" you should go back to the gallery.
I uploaded almost 500 photos Wednesday (I've been a little busy). I had to re-log in several times, and always ended back at the gallery I needed to be at, by following the above.
I would also recommend logging in at the "KItMaker.com" as this way you should only need to log in once.
As most STAFF are volunteers, with a family, they are not here 24/7. Also if you will notice you have posted your problems in an UN-HOSTED FORUM. That means your questions will only be answered if and when a Staff Member passes through and NOTICES it, does his best to respond, and pass your problem on to Jim if needed. Posting site issues, log in problems etc, are best handled and posted in the "Site Talk" Forum or through the support desk or resolution center. A PM to a Staff Member will also work, as they will pass it on to Jim.
If you would like to Host a Forum, feel free to offer your services, as we do have a few that could use HOSTS. It's really not that difficult, and simply requires a commitment to check your forum once or twice a day so problems like this don't slip through and go unanswered.
Merrill, I'm sorry you are having problems navigating the site, but the honest truth is the more you use it and explore it, the easier it is.
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Praha, Czech Republic
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Posted: Thursday, April 19, 2007 - 11:17 AM UTC
Hi Henk,
I think that it is no possible fair vote wickedly one pictures. Previously I see more detail photos from one model. Today I not see detail only small model .
Hope you like it and "watch those negative waves"
United States
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Posted: Thursday, April 19, 2007 - 08:37 PM UTC
I voted, but the entries are so good that I am not going to vote any more. So many of them are deserving of top honors. Mabye an open concept?
Luzon, Philippines
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Posted: Friday, April 20, 2007 - 07:11 AM UTC
i just made my vote for the two categories. congratz to all the contestants for your magnificent entries. i must also commend the admin guys for coming up with the "anonymous" format, methinks its much better this way.
one suggestion if i may though, should there be a provision somewhere that states what scale an entry is? of course, the overall finish of a kit makes us determine which is the best of the lot, but somehow i think it would help if we know what scale the entries are. anyway, just my two cents...
England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, April 21, 2007 - 03:32 AM UTC
Hi Miloslav,
The one picture only rule ties in with the Anonymous posting of the entries. After all, it would rather defeat the object if the contest entry was anonymous, only for the builder to post a thread with lots of detail pics of his model..

. This is taking the contest back to it's original core objective, where both the model (build, and finish)
and the photographic presentation are part of the contest. Through this competition we want to encourage, and improve, the photography skills of us all, as building the model is one thing, but showing it of to it's best on the internet is another..
Hi Raphael,
Thanks for your feedback, perhaps an indication of scale may be needed. But at the moment the entries seem to be 1/35 all the time,so unless our small and big scale brothers start entering their masterpieces, a separation is not needed (yet).
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PublisherNew Hampshire, United States
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Posted: Saturday, April 21, 2007 - 07:54 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Technical issues of the type you are experiencing are something that has to be dealt with by Jim Starkweather.
There is no bug if that is what you're thinking. The cookie for the main site is open-ended, while the photo gallery session is not. So it expires after a set time. That is why users must re-log in. What Mr. Wright seems to be experiencing is something that a majority of users don't encounter. It could be anything from a security application blocking the session (it is on a different domain than "armorama.com" so that would explain why some privacy aps might block the "kitmaker.net" cookie but not the armorama one) to a simple corrupted cookie issue (requires flushing cookies and session data). The reality is there is a TON of helpful info on this issue posted in this forum and on the support site (in the FAQ area). Perhaps it's bad I know but after 5 years of dealing with cookie and login issues (on a site that uses the SAME technology as every over site out there with a login system), I am getting tired of repeating myself. And when you get wonderful gems like this remark:
Quoted Text
Forcing some one to log in all over again, when they are ALREADY LOGGED IN, is stupid enough, but shunting them off to some unknown location after they go through the hassle of logging in again is patently idiotic. The absolute least that should be done is to return them to the location they were at when the additional log in was forced upon them.
...well it makes you so eager to be helpful. And I must assume most users know is patently false (the above claim) as when you do login (properly without a "wrong" password misstep) you DO go to the page you were trying to reach.
Joined: March 05, 2004
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Posted: Saturday, April 21, 2007 - 07:25 PM UTC
votes are cast. difficult choice to vote for only one each.
i watched a scale plastic figure crawl along the edge . . . of an exacto blade . . . that's my dream , it's my nightmare . . . . . . . crawling , slithering . . . . . along the edge . . . . . . of an exacto . . . . . blade . . . . and surviving
Texas, United States
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Posted: Saturday, April 21, 2007 - 09:11 PM UTC
The countdown to the end of the contest has begun. 8 days remaining to get your vote registered in both categories. Please support our contestants by taking the time to evaluate their entries and make your selection.