I've entered a few times and never got more than about 5 votes until March when I got third place with my Churchill VII. I "threw everything but the kitchen sink" at that model: adding after market barrel, PE, scratch interior, stowage, etc. If we'd had categories I'd have entered that particular build in the "advanced" class.
However, compared to the overall standard on here I think my modelling skills are right about the mean, so "intermediate".
My next completed build is built OOB (except for the barrel which is after market solely because I broke the kit parts. It's a long story but I had to rescue the build from the bin because at one stage I thought I'd knackered it beyond redemption

Which class would you enter it in? Do we decide on class based on the kit(s) and techniques used or on the builder's experience and talent? Does a complex paint scheme matter? Should all resin kits be in the "advanced" class?
I know the rules state it's on the entrant's honour, but sometimes it's difficult to judge our own work, so maybe a debate might help provide us all with some guidance.
