The winners:
Judge's Award and prize of DML's kit# 6406 Tiger I Late Production goes to Wladimir Yashin (Genscher) for his build of a 1/35 "Panzer Schule" Pzkpfw I Ohne Aufbau.

Advanced Category Popular Vote Award and prize of DML
CH's kit# 6361 M4 81mm Mortar Carrier goes to Tim Sloan (pzcreations) for his build of a 1/35 Pzkpfw IV F-2.

Intermediate/Beginner Category Popular Vote Award and prize of DML's figures kit# 6309 Verfugungstruppe France 1940 goes to Brent Watterson (DaGreatQueeg) for his build of a 1/72 Panther G.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who entered. The June DMoM submission period will open tomorrow and will have an extended submission period for the full month with voting taking place during the first 2 weeks in July as a modification to the submission/voting cycle.