Monday, March 11, 2013 - 03:05 PM UTC
Inside the Armour takes a step in a new direction by releasing a turned aluminium barrel for the Revell and Tamiya Leopard 2A4, 2A5 and 2A6 in 1/35th scale.
This new product from Inside the Armour should appeal to the modern armoured fighting vehicle fan due to the fact that it covers three Leopard tank models from two manufacturers. The product consists of 5 brass parts plus 3 resin parts and Includes Bore Evacuator with fibre detail, accurate collimator and finely detailed barrel recoil gusset.

35074 - Rheinmetall 120mm L44/L55 Barrel for Revell and Tamiya Leopard 2A4, 2A5 and 2A6
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I don't know what you guys have over in the European Union use but us lowly folks over in the Colonies have this miracle product called "sand paper". One of the uses of this product is to rub it on a surface to reduce the amount of visible detail. By chance...and this may be a long shot...but this coarse surfaced product may work to reduce the raised details on the resin fume extractor to whatever you desire as the appropriate level of detail. End sarcastic comment.
MAR 13, 2013 - 03:45 PM
Good work on adding the pieces for the different muzzles, looking forward to them. As to HB, it should fit, as HB's gun mount is remarkably close to the Tamiya one... Olaf
MAR 13, 2013 - 10:28 PM
You know, Jason, even here in "the end of the world" -as Pope Frencesco said- we have access to that wonderful piece of technology called sand paper. But -there´s always a but- my question is why should I buy an after market item just to have to improve it? One thing is to improve a bit how it fits or minor imperfections, and another one is to sand down what you see as wrong/overscaled details. I still consider that the bore evacuator can be improved in this AM barrel, and guess what? I don´t want to have to sand it down, I want it properly -to my "taste"- done. For that case, I can also work sanding the kit´s plastic barrel and adding some texture either with diluted plastic or putty -another miracle product, you know? And we also have it here at the lower end of America!!!-... Joking and sarcasm apart, I still think that we not only are entitled to ask manufacturers to improve, but also must point them out what we believe is not so good about their products and then they´ll decide what to do about our opinions. In fact, we all do this all the time with every new kit or new announcement, and nobody commited suicide caused by our comments... -at least AFAIK- All that said, let´s see the final product. We all saw that Chris seems open to improve what he believes is necessary.
MAR 14, 2013 - 01:01 AM
You don't have to buy it. No one is twisting your arm. I have Euromodel's resin bore/fume extractor. I bought a couple as soon as they came out. They are very nice but this new Inside The Armour product is another option for modellers and the only aftermarket barrel for creating an L44 or L55 barrel in multiple configurations. Will modellers be doing the Harlem Shake? Over the years I have seen the good and the bad with both large model producers and small one man operations with repsect to aftermarket items. For me I look at each product both subjectively and objectively and decide whether it is an improvement over a kit part and are my skills are sufficient to tweak and improve a product if needed. Ideally I would have loved to buy every product I have ever purchased and have it 100% accurate. But, and you said there is always a but, that is not reality and modellers can choose to improve upon kit parts themselves or turn to the aftermarket world and purchase better (they may not be the BEST parts) replacement parts. How many modellers have bought aftermarket barrels just so they don't have to deal with seam lines? Are those aftermarket barrels 100% accurate? I can't recall seeing riots in the streets because Tamiya, Hobby Boss, Italeri, Revell-Germany or any of the variety of aftermarket companies had an L44 or L55 barrel without the textured bore/fume extractor...did they miss the memo? There are two schools of thought for modelling and the use of aftermarket parts...Are you a model maker or a model assembler? Both have their merits. Providing feedback to model producers is critical but seldom is there positive respectful two way communication. Providing well thought out feedback to Chris should result in making his products better. I think the biggest thing to learn from this is that until recently no aftermarket companies even produced a textured bore/fume extractor for the Leopard 2...and now there are two choices!
MAR 14, 2013 - 03:48 AM
Jason, I really don´t know why we ended arguing about modelling "trends", modelling "ideologycal positions", and so on... I´m a modeller, a scratch builder, and sometimes just a model builder, too. It depends on the kit and my wills and/or desires to spend more or less work on a given subject. So what? If you read my previous post, I said "why should I buy...", I did not say anyone is telling me "I have to". I asked what I believe is a valid question. Anyway, I pointed out that FOR ME, ITA´s bore evacuator has a given flaw, that´s it You seem to think other way, and that´s it. I do not claim for the Spanish Inquisition (and nobody expects it!!) because an AM stuff manufacturer does anything I don´t feel perfect, if I feel my criticism is constructive, I just say what I see. In this particular case, if Mr. Pawel ''Vodnik'' did not point out on another forum that the muzzle details were not accurate for every Leopard 2 version, Mr. Chris Meddings would not be advised about this and would not be able to delay the release to correct that issue. But we still would have another Leo 2 AM barrel available, and that´s great news! Well, I believe that Chris having the chance to correct/improve his offering is better news yet (crazy me...)
MAR 14, 2013 - 04:41 AM
Hugo I can see your point and as has been indicated by the reply Chris has made he also understands your complaint and accepts you are entitled to your opinion. I myself quite like the look of this product and with the improvement that Chris is currently making only improves upon what is a good product to start with. Jason also has a valid point in that if a buyer feels the texture is over emphasised then it can be easily reduced with a light sanding if desired. regardless of where a person stands on this product it does provide a scale metal barrel for a large number Leopard tanks from a number of manufacturers and which can only improve the finished look of the model.
MAR 14, 2013 - 04:53 AM
Darren, I´m really very grateful to these forums for all the news and advice they give us modellers and humble assemblers That said, I´m more than bored about this and all the arguing I´m seeing here lately about different points of view... I try always to give my best advice and thoughts, if anyone feel them useful take´em, else leave them. The only thing I ask for is: please do not answer me as if I were blind, deff or just dumb, as I felt some replies did here... -and I may be too sensitive, I know- My very last comment is that for me it´s beginning to seem that some people are more entitled than others to criticize or give their blessing to any new product, and the rest of the mortals must keep in silence learning in the light of their wisdom... In my more than 50 years I have better ways to spend my time than trying to explain every single word I say. Peace to everyone and keep up bulding armor
MAR 14, 2013 - 05:22 AM
I'm not particularily attracted by your products and I don't buy them that is true. However if you put out posts on public forums, then you have to accept some level of criticism. The fact that it is a news story doesn't change anything, it's not a "free ride" or "free advertising", just look at the comments on some of the other news stories like those from Dragon for instance. I'll give you something : there are always good photos of your products . When I look closely at the pics, I'm not tempted to buy because there's something or the other that don't look right ( I had opportunity to see some of your products "in the resin" at two different shows, and that confirmed this impression), but that's just me. Another person will look at the very same photos, like the product and buy it. No problem. And if you put out something that I find outstanding, I'll be the first to say it and order it, if I'm not blacklisted by now... Cheers, Christophe
MAR 14, 2013 - 09:18 AM
Bill, the barrel will fit the Hobbyboss kits with some minor modification to the Hobbyboss mantlet. you just need to cut the barrel base off and it will slot right into the resultant hole I have also remastered the bore excavator. it may not please everybody, (but then again, with some people that is rarely possible) but it is an improvement Darren,I'll send a new announcement for the rerelease
MAR 20, 2013 - 01:17 AM

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