Sunday, September 21, 2014 - 05:06 AM UTC
Passion Models has two new flags to decorate Allied scenes!
These are printed on plastic, and can be gently heated to get them to "droop" realistically.
P35H-001 1/35 on the wind FLAG-America
P35H-002 1/35 on the wind FLAG-Britain
The US set has two different flags covering the periods 1912-59 (48 stars) and 1960+ (50 stars). There appears to be several sizes of each one on the sheet. The British flag is the standard Union Flag (1707-present), again in a number of sizes.
Check out their website for more info!
P35H-001 1/35 on the wind FLAG-America
P35H-002 1/35 on the wind FLAG-Britain
The US set has two different flags covering the periods 1912-59 (48 stars) and 1960+ (50 stars). There appears to be several sizes of each one on the sheet. The British flag is the standard Union Flag (1707-present), again in a number of sizes.
Check out their website for more info!
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