Tuesday, February 27, 2018 - 02:27 PM UTC
True Earth has a new initiative, the T.E.A.M - True Earth Advanced Modellers- a free Painting & Weathering course weekly in your mailbox.
It will be a series of Step-By-Step tutorials about the colouring and weathering of any type of model, from armoured vehicles to aircrafts, ships, railways, mecha...
It will deepen not only the practical side, the “How to Do”. But why to do it. And how True Earth products are formulated, starting from the observation of reality, to achieve that result.
They will also see the more technical side of the products, that will help you to understand how best to use them.
The whole thing will allow you to create a “library” on various finishing methods, instead of being always bound to the only method you know.
Always and anyway for whatever model, regardless of its setting and function, you’ll see that with True Earth you will be free to choose the method you prefer according to the result you want.
Link to subscribe : True Earth Download Area
It will deepen not only the practical side, the “How to Do”. But why to do it. And how True Earth products are formulated, starting from the observation of reality, to achieve that result.
They will also see the more technical side of the products, that will help you to understand how best to use them.
The whole thing will allow you to create a “library” on various finishing methods, instead of being always bound to the only method you know.
Always and anyway for whatever model, regardless of its setting and function, you’ll see that with True Earth you will be free to choose the method you prefer according to the result you want.
Link to subscribe : True Earth Download Area
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