In-Box Review |
by: Brent Sauer [ ]
GREIF Modeling Accessories is a product line from Mexico. They have a superb line of unique accessories. Their products are sold exclusively through VLS. VLS sells to both the public at retail rates and to retailers at a discounted rate. This review covers their extensive line of lenses that are produced in multiple sizes and colors. The VLS catalog introduces the GREIF Lens Sets with the following statement : "These amazing round lenses are cast in a clear resin with metal backing, and can be used for armor, aircraft, automobiles, sci-fi, or trains to create headlights, navigational lights, reflectors, etc." LENS SELECTION Listed in the VLS 2003 product catalog there are no fewer than 47 different lens products available. The following colors are available: Clear, Red, Amber, Blue, Green and BlackEach color listed above comes in a pack of 4 lenses and are available in the following sizes:1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.3mm, 3mm, 4mm, and 5mm NOTE: The black lenses are only available in a 3mm pack that consists of 2ea Clear and 2ea Black.You can purchase a multipack of lenses that include 1ea of Red, Green and Amber lenses. The multi-color pack comes in 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.3mm, and 3mm sizes.Of additional interest, the VLS catalog has the following statement about a series of "Optic" Blue lenses that are available in 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.3mm, 3mm, 4mm, and 5mm."Optic blue lenses for telescopes, binoculars, cameras, missle noses, etc. They cast a random blue/brown/violet effect." Installation of lense The lenses are very, very easy to work with. They come in small plastic bag and are glued on to a paper backing. To remove the lense, I simply used my Xacto knife and carefully pulled the lense off of the paper. You can put the lense in place using your favorite adhesive (white glue, super glue, expoxy, etc). Lens installed on a M26 Pershing Here is a photo of a Tamiya M26 Pershing that I am working on with a 2mm clear lense in place. Final thoughts Probably the best thing about GREIF lenses is the multi-modeling genre use. It is also a good compliment to or replacement for MV lenses. I have talked to many modelers that prefer one over the other but I personally feel they both are comparable. I think the end result is well worth the investment.
About Brent Sauer (sgtsauer) I began modelling around the age of 10. My first model kit was the U.S.S. Titanic. As I developed an interest in the military, I started building 1/72nd and 1/48th scale military aircraft. My interest then evolved into some 1/72nd scale armor. The first armor kits I built were 1/72nd scale Hasegawa ... Copyright ©2021 text by Brent Sauer [ ]. All rights reserved.