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Nevada, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 01:52 AM UTC
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As a "Zonie" I love your idea for an alliance. Have you thought of a flag yet? Maybe the javelina would be a good symbol for your new nation.

At first I was thinking Arizona/Nevada Alliance, and considered the emblem to be a mix of both states. I was specifically thinking of Arizona's "sunshine" flag, but done in Nevada's silver and blue colors.

Then I tossed Utah into the mix, thanx Russ , so now I'm a bit stumped. I will definately consider the Javelina. Your thoughts?

When it comes to national flags and emblems, simplest is best. You want something that can be slapped onto a vehicle quickly, by unskilled conscripts, and can be easily recognized at a distance. When several sides all use the same vehicle types avoiding friendly fire incidents becomes more important than camouflage, and if the US has dissolved obviously all the militias would be using the same Abrams, Humvees, M-113s, etc.
I think the Arizona flag is a bit too complex. The simpler, the better: crosses or roundels, or maybe letters, or a political slogan. During the Lebanese and Spanish civil wars, and later, during the wars of Yugoslav dissolution, the warring sides often painted the initials of their group prominently on the sides of their vehicles. In any case, you want easily distinguishable colors that look nothing like those of enemy factions. Don't forget to add some kind of conspicuous air recognition symbol on top of the turret, if your alliance has an air arm.
Good luck!

The simpler the better, I like that idea!
Now to re think my markings.

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Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 07:40 AM UTC
Hay gang I have been looking through my stash and found a tamiya panther, I am having ideas about a post war British experimental tank.
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 09:14 AM UTC
Lucas: Glad you're enjoying! Well done on completing the semester, looking forward to seeing your project develop

Duncan: Good luck on drilling those holes bud!

G: Sketch up some ideas for us, we'll help you come up with something that fits to a T

Scott: Glad you could join in the kickoff! Should we expect to see an 18pdr on that beast?
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Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 09:38 AM UTC
Zon, I'm using the Italeri kit like you are, and you're right-- I should go back and turn the front wheels, like you did. It really livens up the build.
Other than that, I have the chassis complete, and I'm ready to begin working up body panels for my truck. Then I'll be better able to see how I can make an interior driver space for over the engine compartment. (I forgot my drawing at work, so I had to stop short at home last night.)
Seeing these plastic Italeri wheels now, I can see why so many humvee discussions on Armorama are about after-market resin wheels. I'll use these for now, but won't glue them in final place until I've looked into those.
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Hawaii, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 09:44 AM UTC

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G: That's a cool looking kit, still thinking about getting one myself.

Zon: That's a tricky question. It really depends on how you have the rest of your uhm, coach, set up. There needs to be some kind of braking system, especially with that kind of mass free rolling behind the horses. If there is a vacuum booster, then just cut it off of the master cylinder and bolt the cylinder up to the firewall. This would be the only way to keep the hydraulic brakes functional. They wouldn't be great, but they'd do the job. Otherwise you will have to go really old school and have a brake lever mounted up against the tires like an old carriage, or a boat anchor, or something real bizarre... I know, a drag chute!!

Jeremy: thanks for the mechanical info. That's exactly my dilemna. I was thinking of an old style hand brake that was really just a linkage to activate the master cylinder, but that still left me with the quandry of whether the master would even work. True old-school didn't appeal to me because that was just a block against the face of the old wheel and might not work so well against a rubber tire. Also, it seemed it was more of an emergency / parking brake than a decelerator, but I could be wrong about that. I like the drag chute idea, but then I'd need more horses to deploy it
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Hawaii, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 09:57 AM UTC

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Zon, I'm using the Italeri kit like you are, and you're right-- I should go back and turn the front wheels, like you did. It really livens up the build.
Other than that, I have the chassis complete, and I'm ready to begin working up body panels for my truck. Then I'll be better able to see how I can make an interior driver space for over the engine compartment. (I forgot my drawing at work, so I had to stop short at home last night.)
Seeing these plastic Italeri wheels now, I can see why so many humvee discussions on Armorama are about after-market resin wheels. I'll use these for now, but won't glue them in final place until I've looked into those.

Sean: it's easy enough to do. I just cut the hub away from the axles which allowed the hubs to pivot in their mounts (although I had to carve a little away to keep the hubs from "camming" out of vertical as I turned them.) I also cut the steering linkage at each of the contact points (separating top from bottom where it connects to the hub). It's a bit hacked, but hopefully won't be noticalbe in the final.

I hear you on the wheels, but I'll probably stick with the kit parts for this one. Overall this kit needs a lot of cleanup as all the ejector marks are in the most visible, but least accessible places!! I look forward to seeing your driver compartment come together. Since mine will be without engine, I will make that some sort of storage compartment.

Happy Modelling, -zon
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Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 10:05 AM UTC

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Lucas: Glad you're enjoying! Well done on completing the semester, looking forward to seeing your project develop

Duncan: Good luck on drilling those holes bud!

G: Sketch up some ideas for us, we'll help you come up with something that fits to a T

Scott: Glad you could join in the kickoff! Should we expect to see an 18pdr on that beast?

Thinking 105mm
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United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 10:49 AM UTC
I see some people are off to a great start.
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 12:39 PM UTC
Zon: LOL, nothing like real horsepower Theoretically you can get around the whole hydraulic system by incorporating a parking brake system on the front brakes as well. If you do this then you don't even have to worry about touching anything on the hydraulic side of the system.

Scott: Ooooo, that'll be a right nasty piece of work!

Chad: You bet! I need to get mine started soon
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Hawaii, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 02:36 PM UTC
Jeremy: I think that's the ticket! I'll keep the disk brakes/transfer case, but assume the brakes themselves are mechanical and link to the old-school lever. Thanks for thinking this out with me.

G: great looking vehicle. I passed that kit up a while back and now I'm regretting it.

Lucas: cool looking vehicle. I like the turret.

Scott: looking forward to seeing that.

Duncan: have fun drilling!

Happy Modelling, -zon
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Kildare, Ireland
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Posted: Thursday, May 19, 2011 - 12:56 AM UTC
Love the concept of the Bradley with 1128 turret Lucas.

As a follow up you can convert the body of the 1128 to an AAA Stryker!
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Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Thursday, May 19, 2011 - 01:33 AM UTC
This time I brought the drawing home from work, but hadn't checked the dimensions and it was 5% too large when I laid the kit chassis on top of the drawing. Not close enough to fudge, so I'm resizing the drawing today and try again tonight.
What I did accomplish was:
Modifying the hood for a steeper angle, in relation to the front fascia. I used a hobby saw to cut the sides off and split the recessed headlight housings...

I also chopped and turned the front hubs:

And finally, here's a shot of my builds playing nicely together, sharing my workspace.
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Hawaii, United States
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Posted: Thursday, May 19, 2011 - 07:09 AM UTC
Sean: looking good! Isn't it nice when they get along...

Happy Modelling, -zon
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Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, May 19, 2011 - 09:58 AM UTC
Good news gang, I have been test fitting some parts on the panther and the gun from the AFV aussie cent is a perfect fit in the panther mantlet! I am going to retro fit a sight on the turret top for the new gun. I am thinking about doing it in a neglected state, like it has been forgoten about for a few decades after they have finished with it and just left it to rot. The tank is going to be named Gemma but more on the reason later.

Sudz 23 out.
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Hawaii, United States
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Posted: Thursday, May 19, 2011 - 12:17 PM UTC
Sounds cool Scott. Look forward to seeing it come together.

Happy Modelling, -zon
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Thursday, May 19, 2011 - 05:18 PM UTC
Sean: Interesting surgery, looking forward to seeing it put back together. Should be slick

Scott: It's always nice when things work out like that
I like your idea and look forward to hearing and seeing more.
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Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, May 20, 2011 - 04:13 AM UTC
And ready for paint and some serous weathering..

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New York, United States
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Posted: Friday, May 20, 2011 - 07:59 AM UTC
Scott some quick work there, keep going I was hoping to start this week but did get as far as I thought I would with my Command Campaign so it made be another week or so
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Nevada, United States
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Posted: Friday, May 20, 2011 - 08:13 AM UTC
Good stuff so far people!

I'm behind on this and the Tiger Campaign but I will catch up. Seems I due for some knee surgery with a few days/weeks off afterwards. That'll give me plenty of time for building! If my wife doesn't strangele me first.............

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New York, United States
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Posted: Friday, May 20, 2011 - 08:34 AM UTC

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Good stuff so far people!

I'm behind on this and the Tiger Campaign but I will catch up. Seems I due for some knee surgery with a few days/weeks off afterwards. That'll give me plenty of time for building! If my wife doesn't strangele me first.............


G, had ankle surgery a year ago that what really got me back into the hobby, was building a kit a week, hope all goes well for ya and that your not laid up to long
and remember my Dr said to stay a head of the pain
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Nevada, United States
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Posted: Friday, May 20, 2011 - 08:43 AM UTC
Thanks Sal.

When you get to be my age all those years of abuse come back to haunt ya. The surgery is not serious in an of itself. The recovery, though, for an old overweight war horse is problematic!

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Texas, United States
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Posted: Friday, May 20, 2011 - 03:36 PM UTC
Scott: Nice work, let's see some paint!

G: Wish you a speedy recovery bud, and enjoy your newfound modeling time
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Tasmania, Australia
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Posted: Friday, May 20, 2011 - 05:38 PM UTC
Got feed up with drill, drill, drill, drill etc etc....

So I started cutting ?

Very early days yet! just wanted to get some motivation, noting is much glued as blue-tac is being the man holding stuff on/up!
A Dragon 'Erzatz M10' has given up it's mantlet which will become a more modern version of the late war 'chin' mantlet.
The Turret has been cut off just between the cupola seem and the edge of the back of the turret ready for a big turret extension/bin, also cut out is the rear deck as Detroit diesel awaits!
I plan on adding a applique Armour too.......... but that's a longggggggggggg way off, tonight I'll try and finish the turret extension tonight!

Benjamin....... What Kit is that E-10 is it a resin job or Trumpeter?
Wayne........... Nice choice of kit.
Zon................ Cut away, I know how you feel.
Lucas............ Good start.
Sean............. More cutting, I think there's more of that on this Campaign than anywhere else!
Scott............. Hoolie-Dollie!!! your motoring,
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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Saturday, May 21, 2011 - 12:07 AM UTC
Duncan: That combo looks badass! Will she get a diesel engine deck as well? The Mantlet really needs a MG mounted on top. The kit I'm using is a Trumpeter one, but in my inexperience I roughed it up really bad before giving up a year or so back.
Jeremy: Yeah I looked that up, but Trumpeter don't really do replacements unless you can find a supplier who will help you. No probs though: traded some Tamiya Panther parts with a fellow dutch modeler. Parts will arrive shortly.
Sean: Nice chop job. Wish mine looked as clean
Scott: Holy toledo, that is fast. That big 'ol 105 looks nasty
Lucas: I like how the parts combine. Should look nice and sleek in the end.

Not much to report from this side of the pond. Been building the other run of friuls. Nearly there and once I get my running gear sorted and make em to final length before moving on with the rest of the E-10.
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Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Saturday, May 21, 2011 - 03:24 AM UTC

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Thanks Sal.

When you get to be my age all those years of abuse come back to haunt ya. The surgery is not serious in an of itself. The recovery, though, for an old overweight war horse is problematic!


G, don't tell us that! . When I read these posts, I imagine the icon talking, and you've been Dirty Harry with his bushy 1970's hair and 44 Magnum until now! As I type this, I realize I'm showing a 4-year-old fisherman. Jeremy's a grizzled-looking Viking, and Benjamin-- is that cat from James Bond?
Sean H
PS still cutting plastic. Photos soon.