Distraction: Greta's Revenge
Introductions |
Finally here’s the long awaited article of
“DISTRACTION” that I made for the winter diorama campaign on Armorama.com.
I’ve been asked several times by fellow modelers as I updated it daily in
the forums if I could put all together and make an article out of it. So for
all these people and newcomers and all the other people interested, here it
First I want to start with saying that I’m not a pro and that this was my
first dio in about 1.5 years. This dio is actually one great experiment with
techniques that I have never tried before for example: sculpting my own
figure. Making my own buildings and it was my first dio with snow. So also
for me there were some great learning experiences and I hope it will be for
more people.
The Contest |
I started thinking immediately about the concept. What
will I show? What is the story and I went to the drawing board. The story is
I described it earlier in the forum threads:
In the desolated ruins of Stalingrad is a Russian sniper walking around.
Step by step he walks between the debris of the devastated inner city of
what once was the precious city now only ruins are left. Meticulously
scanning every detail, every single inch of the surrounding area. Looking
for that one German soldier that is with its mind in the mess where his
comrades are drinking nice warm coffee and smoking cigarettes without
freezing their hands off.
Suddenly the Russian sniper stops and looks again. Yep he’s not mistaken
just in his firing range he spots the silhouette of a German soldier that is
posting in an old ruined house. The Russian Sniper stops, raises his scope
to eyesight, aims, holds his breath and shoots. The guns give a dry bang and
the silhouette tumbles over. Just as the Russian sniper wants to look what
he had shot another dry bang echoes through the ruins and the Russian sniper
falls to the ground… shot in the head…. never to know who shot him.
From under a blanket on the sidewalk next to the building a German sniper
stands up walks to the building where his comrade just had been shot. He
walks up the place and looks in a happy smiling face. He puts the mannequin
back on her “feet” strokes the snow off. Hangs the blanket where the
laughing face was drawn on right and put the helmet full of bullet holes on
it’s place again.
Without saying anything he walks back to the sidewalk lays down grabs the
blanket and waits for his next victim that gets DISTRACTED. |
About the Author
About Robert Blokker (FAUST)
Started modelling when I was about 7 or 8 years old had a little break in between (school, girls partying) and eventually returned when finding this site in 2002. Main interest WW2 German army, wheeled vehicles and radio and communication troops or every other thing that manages to catch my interest...
Copyright ©2021 by Robert Blokker. Images and/or videos also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. The views and opinions expressed herein are solely the views and opinions of the authors and/or contributors to this Web site and do not necessarily represent the views and/or opinions of Armorama, KitMaker Network, or Silver Star Enterrpises. All rights reserved. Originally published on: 2003-02-13 00:00:00. Unique Reads: 33298