In-Box Preview: New Paint

The Extras : The Photographs

Every Monroe Perdu kit includes several original photographs. These photographs can be used as a color and weathering reference for this, and other, products.

Inside this kit I found 4 different photographs depicting similar building structures. From these photographs it became clear to me, that the building could be painted in almost any color, creating a totally new look with each new paint scheme.

The Extras : The Instruction Sheets

Inside the box I also found a, double side printed, instruction sheet. The instruction sheets provides background information on the kit and the depicted scene.

Besides the backgrounds, it also deals with the instructions on how to work with resin and laser cut parts, what tools can be used and how you can paint the kit and the individual parts. Another good thing I noticed, is a detailed drawing of the laser cut cards, identifying the individual items. On the back of the instruction sheet we find the very detailed assembly instructions of the laser cut parts.

When I have a look at the kits from a lot of other manufacturers, the instruction sheet is hardly ever there. The information provided with the kits from Monroe Perdu is a welcome difference with the other kits I know. I just love to get a bit of background on the things I'm working on.

When you use different colors than the colors on the box art, you can make a totally different building. This building is, because of the plastered walls, excellent for experimenting with colors on buildings.

About the Author

About Danny Wennekes (Eagle)

I started modeling at the age of 10. When I was 22 my work forced me to quit the hobby until I returned to the modeling frontline at the age of 36. Nowadays I model dioramas, but in the land of modeling I admire the figure painters.... so skilled and most of them are great guys too.... My favo...


Danny... great job on this article. I look forward to seeing what you do with the full build. Keep up the good work. Jim PS: And why am I the first person replying to this?
APR 01, 2004 - 05:44 PM
Because I did not see this post before? Lol, great article indeed, I like the stuff Monroe Perdu brings out, it is not always cheap, but very good quality and a bit different
APR 01, 2004 - 10:40 PM
Danny, I'm very impressed, I nearly went to thier website to order something, until I remembered that my girlfriend has my creditcard!
APR 07, 2004 - 12:41 AM