Thanks for the tip on wheels! I think I'll try that..............
In other news............AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH................I F-U-B-A-R'ed my camo scheme last night and now I have to reapply the base AGAIN! I penciled in the camo lines to use as guides.........big mistake. I found I was concentrating more on covering the lead than making graceful camo lines. Then the airbrush wasn't cooperating and seemed to clog too readily, even though I added some acrylic flow improver and thinned it a bit. Well, it turns out I thinned it too much and the next stunt was to spray spiders all over the damn thing! Then I ran out of unthinned paint................getting more today.
I'm so ashamed of it, I won't even post pics............I feel like it's Michael Jackson's face right after surgery. Maybe once I get it right...........maybe tonight.
I'm using a Badger 175 and it always seems to spray well for about 3 seconds, then clogs and requires me to release my grip and brush off the needle with a's driving me nuts. Maybe I'll try the Aztek tonight.
Any thoughts? Advice? This acrylic extender.....who sells it, who makes it, and is it the same as flow improver? I can't seem to find any official "acrylic extender" anywhere.
My emotional timeline last night: