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So what's going on to cause that spot on the fuselage side?
Grifter, the cause is in this
Yoda, that a great lookin' Corsair. If it were mine here's what I would do:
1. Sand down the spot to get rid of the imperfections. (you might even want to make a couple more spots-like the milky areas on the wings you were talking about)
2. When sanding it down make it irreagular to look like a paint patch and try to include a little of the foot insert there on the fuselage. Do the same for any other spots.
3. Mix up some paint a shade or two different than the rest and paint the patch.
4. Finish your painting process in those areas like you would normally.
5. I would look at lightening some other panels too like David Aungst did on
Renee Ann.
6. Now I would gloss coat the whole thing.
7. Next would be some pastel weathering to give more wear to the entire model-especially the upper wing surfaces.
8. Dull Coat.
That's just what my plan of action would be. One good thing out of this is that the location of the bad spot is right next to where the pilot (or maintenance personnel) got into and out of the aircraft. Use this to your advantage. That spot would see a lot of wear if people getting in and out banged stuff against the fuselage like tools, flight bags, etc.